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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Looks like they need to start putting all paintings and sculptures behind/in glass.
  2. Of course Lankford did. He helped create that POS. No it wasn't. Again everyone knows that Joke owns the border crisis for all his EOs to undo what Trump did and for denying there was a crisis for 3 years, until the polls started to turn against him.
  3. There's some evidence Trump is slipping. But nowhere near as much as with Biden. No one's buying it. He had 94 executive orders to reverse what Trump did with the border. He did that all on his own. IOW he didn't need Congress then, he doesn't need them now. But, again, reversing his reversal of Trump policies gives Trump a win.
  4. You're saying they knew they were Israelis and fired on them anyway?
  5. On purpose? Do they use their own people as human shields?
  6. I'm sure he also thinks 911 was an inside job.
  7. The '67 borders still wouldn't be enough. "From the river to the sea" isn't just a snappy slogan...
  8. Walls around something? That doesn't work...
  9. Au contraire. I always think about the consequences of my actions.
  10. Utterly pathetic and corrupt to lie and give people longer sentences for political reasons. But nothing new for this Admin.
  11. I just found the "annoys me" to be funny. When it's a nobody saying it, I have to laugh.
  12. The gaslighting by saying Joke isn't senile and Trump is, is fascinating to watch. If you want proof of their "the sky is green," there you go.
  13. They don't care. They just want a D in Office, no matter how incompetent.
  14. I predicted last year that all this "defund the police!" idiocy would lead to militarization.
  15. Doc

    Do You BitCoin?

    Anyone buy Pepe?
  16. They'll cut Martin and add another punter.
  17. I don't need to prove anything when you come up with "professional" diagnoses like Trump was having a spell and Joke has just lost a little off his fastball...
  18. Weren't some speculating Alec Anderson to C?
  19. Wow. Not totally surprised but still wow.
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