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Everything posted by Doc

  1. That's the country's biggest worry. There's a reason humanity flourished with the nuclear family model.
  2. The dismal poll numbers on issues the Dems have been pushing have forced them to move more toward Repub positions. Hell even a 15-16 weeks abortion limit is being talked about by Repubs like Pence and Trump, whereas before it was "ban abortion outright."
  3. What does 2016 have to do with today? Why do we have 5X more under Joe (happy?) than under Trump? And no, Trump didn't "have all of Congress." You need 60 votes to get anything passed in the Senate, except judicial appointments and budget reconciliation.
  4. The far left are loonies, have taken over the Dem party and are far worse. We're seeing the effects of it daily and it's why the majority of people say the country is on the wrong path.
  5. As "crazy" as, say, denying there was/is a crisis at the border and then in January claiming there is one and it's the Repubs' fault? Do you happen to know what happened in January to suddenly made the Admin admit they were lying all along? I'll bet you don't.
  6. Right. You called Repubs "GQP'ers" didn't you? What's your pet name for the Dems?
  7. Right. Because walls/fences don't work. I'm sure they'll be taking the one around the White House down soon... And you're laboring under some delusion that the 5X more illegals gaining entry magically happened. No, it was because Dems basically told illegals the border is open and Joke's (spare me the indignation over calling him this, Mr. "Trumpy bear" and "GQP'ers" ) 94 EO's right after taking Office. Again put forth a bill that provides more funding for the border. I'm sure every pol will vote for it. Right?
  8. I know why you guys bristle at "whataboutism:" because it exposes your hypocrisy. If you're going to call Trump Putin/lover, we'll call Joke an Iran/terrorist lover. But your indignation is noted. And filed appropriately. Sorry to break it to you but that's a fact.
  9. Yes, we know the problem is with what you heard. Not what was actually meant.
  10. LOL! The wall wasn't the only plan. Never mind that the cost was a fraction of the $150B per year illegals cost the US.
  11. Chinese car factories in Mexico would lead to genocide in the US if Biden wins re-election. Checks out...
  12. It's all about the subtext with Trump. "Peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard" meant "break into the Capitol!" dontcha know?
  13. Funding wasn't a problem under Trumpy bear, when 1/5th the number of the illegals were coming into the country. And it could be accomplished in a standalone singular item bill. What Joke can do immediately is reverse the 94 EOs he himself signed that led to this mess. But that would give Trumpy bear the win now, wouldn't it?
  14. Not deflection. Call it "whataboutism" if you wish. The left lost any moral superiority on this issue when they put forth and elected Slick. And then trotted him out to campaign for Hilly. They've stolen billions of our money.
  15. I agree. The leaders profit and tell their supporters we need to keep sending money there.
  16. They didn't give a ***** about Ukraine when Barry gave up Crimea (after his election...). But since Trump wanted to investigate Joke for extorting them to fire a prosecutor looking into his idiot son's company, they love Ukraine now. I really am starting to believe that if Trump said that breathing was great, they'd strangle themselves...
  17. No, it's TDS on full display. Again, what was the context of the clip? It was about China setting up plants in Mexico. Hence the 100% tariffs would be on Chinese cars from Mexico. And the bloodbath would be in the car industry if nothing is done.
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