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Everything posted by Doc

  1. At least they had the honesty to include the "some." Yep, just like J6... It might make the Summer of 2020 look like a weenie roast. Many Dems know the truth but don't care and want to continue the lie because of politics. Others don't know or care to know the truth. It's been that way for years now.
  2. He's so dumb. Several waves of Wuhan variants hit the US under Joke despite the magical "pandemic response team" and hundreds of thousands more died. The difference was the first few waves already culled much of the herd and there were vaccines and treatments not available under Trump. But moron only knows how to parrot other idiot Dems.
  3. So there's apparently a barrier between the driver of the Beast and the POTUS, kind of like in a cab. And no one saw fit to mention this back then as proof of why she's a liar/repeating a lie?
  4. I think some simply aren't capable. But I think a lot are just unmotivated. The old "you can lead a horse to water..."
  5. Bad news for the Dems. People are no longer buying what they're selling.
  6. Bad news Dems, illegals are refusing MMR. Must be MAGA... Hopefully it doesn't become a "heat-seeking missile" like it didn't in Florida.
  7. Meaning parents aren't stressing education and kids aren't studying. Did you mean something different?
  8. If you are unwilling or incapable of seeing that Biden's actions, which started on his first day in office, haven't been the biggest contributor to illegals entering our country and (as per Eric Adams) "destroying" our cities, yes, there's nothing left to discuss.
  9. What he's saying is silly, but it just goes to show you how hypocritical Dems are. But it's hard to disobey your masters...
  10. Don't waste your time. They've been told that illegals overrunning our country is perfectly fine.
  11. As I said earlier, having to change your position because your policies were bad and the public is starting to turn on you isn't "smart." It's being forced to change.
  12. This only proves that it's mostly on the parents and then the kids.
  13. I was joking. Basically saying Sherfield's signing is the key to his comeback. Darnold is the guy I always knew he was.
  14. He was the first player drafted of the turnaround and a big reason for it. It's a shame injuries ruined the last 2-1/2 seasons and I'm sorry to see him go.
  15. I agree. He got $14M from the Bills his previous 2 seasons. This one is 2 years for $16M.
  16. No, it's not. He's the one who issued 94 EOs reversing most of what Trump did. Illegals knew that with a Dem in Office, they would allowed into the country as an "asylum" seeker and then could just disappear.
  17. Few of us have any say in the game when it comes down to it, except for those in swing states. I'm in a blue state so/and my vote for Trump won't matter ultimately.
  18. There is no need to pass a bipartisan bill when the crisis was caused by one man/party: Joe/the Dems. If you want to claim it's not their fault, go right ahead, it's a free country. But everyone except those on the left who are just playing politics know who the real culprits are and that's why it's an anchor for the Dems. They can't pass it off on the Repubs by proposing a terrible border bill and getting the vapors that it wasn't passed unanimously.
  19. They're realizing their far-left policies haven't been working. That's not "smartening up," it's self-preservation. So, again, they're moving more towards Repub positions. But they still can't bring themselves to get there and that's why the polls look the way they do.
  20. You're joking, right? Repubs have been talking about illegal immigration non-stop for decades now. Dems OTOH tried to deny there was a problem during this current Admin until some illegals' criminality made headlines and polls started to hurt Dems. So then they pretended to care and put forth a terrible border bill tied to funding for other countries when just reversing Joe's EOs would have helped immensely, and a standalone bill for increased funding would have been great and approved by all (yeah, right). But again, doing that would have given Trump a win.
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