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Everything posted by Doc

  1. I was there when my MIL passed (as well as FIL, but he was on ATC morphine and out of it) at her home. She was alert until the end but could barely talk. It was evening and my wife had gone home to get some things so she could spend the night. My MIL was looking around frantically for her and motioning as if to say where is she, and I told her she'd be back soon, and she was. Later that night she started to really get agitated and I noticed there was fluid in her tracheostomy stoma. I kept suctioning it but she was shaking her head as if to get me to stop. She passed soon after. I think she knew she was going to die and wanted to make sure my wife was there when it happened and was trying to say goodbye when the moment arrived. 😢
  2. There needs to be a harmed party. Otherwise it's partisan chicanery with a crooked judge and DA who are no better than Trump.
  3. Because they don't want them or the extra electoral votes?
  4. What "damages"? Again, who was hurt? And making him have to come up with $400+M in 30 days was a real dick move and shows you their true nature. But hey, Trump's a jerk so it's all good, right?
  5. Neither did they. They just made up a number.
  6. No wonder he cancelled Lemonhead's show.
  7. They all were in 2020. With every death they were smiling because they knew it helped Joke's chances. Scum bags. The "pandemic response team" would have! Never mind it failed to do so when Joke was President (and twice as many people died as under Trump) but, by golly, they would have done it when Trump was President.
  8. What is the basis for the judgment? Considering no one got hurt and no one involved is complaining? Why is $400+M enough punishment but $100M isn't?
  9. Not everyone was meant for college. There's nothing wrong being going to a trade school.
  10. Yeah, we know one of us is a proven liar and it ain't me, so... It's funny how people hear what they want to hear...
  11. No one said Joe invented the immigration problem. Amplified it definitely and that's what you seemed to take umbrage with. But moving on... Why not have a standalone border bill? Why does it have to be tied to something else? Beyond the Dems not wanting to secure the border but wanting aid for Ukraine, that is. And are you saying Johnson is looking at the border bill and considering it if it just gives aid to Ukraine? Or just a standalone Ukraine aid bill?
  12. Sorry but I am not and have not blamed you for the situation, outside of voting for people who are truly to blame. And yes I know who Frank Lutz is. Seems like a decent guy. But to quote Marv "you start taking advice from the fans, you end up sitting with them."
  13. You eat $20 worth of Taco Bell, how you survive won't be an issue for long...
  14. If you had admitted that a long time ago, there wouldn't have been any need for harping. And I've already said what can he done to fix it. Undo everything Joe did on his own for starters. But he won't, because it gives Trump a win. Then instruct the Dems to craft a standalone bill to fund border security and revamp the asylum process.
  15. So it's "politically" smart to start espousing actually smart ideas. Got it.
  16. EVs are being disincentivized. Quietly, for obvious reasons. Here in CT they're proposing that you can't charge your EV in your garage. What do you think that will do to EV sales?
  17. I wouldn't make much of the report. I'd look at the context being "the auto industry" and say the "at least" is other US industries. Not actual human bloodshed.
  18. The authors even admitted a) they don't know the party affiliation of people who died and b) they don't know the vaccination status of those who died, and Ill add c) they don't know if people died with Wuhan virus or from it.
  19. Must have been a trans male. It's hard to hit the toilet when you don't have practice...
  20. So if China is allowed to sell cars through Mexico with no tariffs...there will be genocide in America? And that makes sense to you?
  21. No one cares about employment being up. They're seeing the higher food, gas and electricity prices. And as for crime, great, for 9 months last year it was down. Most people still don't believe it.
  22. The study is bunk but also immaterial. No one was vaccinated when Wuhan virus hit the US, which is the biggest difference between the 400K deaths under Trump and in Biden's first year. And again, several waves of Wuhan variants hit the US despite the "pandemic response team" band getting back together. But that's what you get from a "tech consultant."
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