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Everything posted by Doc

  1. My whole day has been a loss? LOL! Sherpa schooled you in the thread about Joe's abject failure in Afghanistan. And you still haven't shown me a shred of proof that Trump raped EJC, just "the jury said he did." No illegals won't be housed for long, much less a year, much much less 20 years. At worst it will be until November...
  2. Meanwhile Joke tells people they're not black if they don't vote for him and Dems are like "uh huh."
  3. Worst. They didn't even bring guns, much less F-16s and nukes that Joke said it would take.
  4. We know he was "found liable." Welcome to the party. The question was...how? Where is the smoking finger? Her words mean as little as Blasey-Ford's did. And we just had a case of a former Bills' punter being accused or rape...and then not. And sorry if Slick is an (always) inconvenient topic for you guys. But it won't stop me from continuing to bring him up when you talk about sexual assault, affairs and lecherous behavior.
  5. You mean the Commander in Chief?
  6. Why jail illegals here illegally? Gee, I don't know... Take the loss here. The border crisis is on Joe and the Dems, and them alone. If they want to keep taking the loss and further sink their chances in Nov., by all means, keep doing everything they can to let more illegals in to "destroy" cities and commit crimes.
  7. Again, you have no idea what you're talking about. And they're not going to jail illegals for a year or even a week. They'll get them out of there pronto.
  8. Yes, OPERATIONAL as in poor leadership from the top. Not hard to understand.
  9. You opined on things you have no idea about, like what can and can't handle. It was yet another attempt by you to push a lousy border deal when all Joe needs to do is reverse the damage he's already caused and tell Dems to do a standalone border security bill. But again that just gives Trump a political win. Meanwhile we get more illegals, some criminal, entering everyday and Dems continue to take it on the chin.
  10. We've heard everything the jury did. Which was basically just her claim and her friend (a known Trump-hater) backing her up. We have a shifting account of when it happened and what she was wearing, we have no video evidence, she admitted she didn't scream during the encounter to bring attention to the alleged assault, she didn't go to the police afterwards and she didn't write about it in her diary around the time it happened, instead waiting 20+ years later to write about it in a book she was trying to make money off of. Could it have happened? Sure, it's possible. Would I and down an $83M judgment over it? No way.
  11. No, I'm saying they shipped them out because they were shouldering the burden of having illegals all on their own. Now they can jail and deport them, which should lead many to think twice about crossing there.
  12. Or do you mean token? IYKYK...
  13. You don't think Texas thought this out beforehand? And millions of their tax dollars were already being used. That's why they started shipping them out-of-state, with great sucess in both relieving the burden on themselves and bringing attention to the crisis, when most passed-it-off initially as a "stunt."
  14. Was hoping for Threehill, frankly.
  15. Um, yes. No one is disagreeing with that. Do you know the context of that statement?
  16. Biden sucks alright. Thankfully we have governors like Abbott and DeSantis.
  17. Or maybe people change their minds when they realize what they're doing. What else was Jenner's motivation, when it only ends up hurting "her"?
  18. True, that's why they're hard to prosecute. Because it's he-said/she-said. But that doesn't mean what she-said is automatically true. There needs to be some evidence something happened because people lie. Just look at the Araiza case. No, we're saying we have no proof either happened. And again, all moral superiority went out the window with Slick back in 1992 and when Hilly used him to campaign for her.
  19. I'm talking about the Summer of 2020 not being allowed to happen again. They are either lying or aren't smart enough to figure out what is the truth. Neither is a good look.
  20. There is no evidence he even finger raped her except her testimony. Which shifted several times. But when you have crooked juries...
  21. I tried doing a search of said women's tournament. I couldn't find it so I'm figuring it didn't happen.
  22. This is like asking "are you doing better now that right after 9/11?"
  23. "We" don't and didn't. Again regardless of who participated in it, it shouldn't be allowed to happen again.
  24. Why? There were plenty of white guilt libs participating in the Summer of 2020. But regardless of who participated, the destruction was 100X worse than J6 and should not be tolerated again.
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