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Everything posted by Doc

  1. By "we" he meant "Congress," right? Because that's who Joke is claiming needs to fix the crisis that allegedly wasn't there for 3 years but suddenly happened because the Repubs wouldn't agree to a bad border deal.
  2. Look at all those racist...hispanics.
  3. Moron. Trying to buy votes, but people will learn after he's gone that they got screwed.
  4. Yup, starting with him being charged and convicted...oh, wait a minute!
  5. Truth Social ready to go public, but not before Monday. That's probably the reason they stuck with the 30-day bull####.
  6. Why not? Joke had a prosecutor fired in Ukraine...
  7. Great news. And just yesterday surgeons in Boston transplanted a gene-edited pig kidney into a living human (they did one last year in a brain dead person).
  8. Maybe dig up some old tweets containing rap lyrics using derogatory language about white people...
  9. My wife, younger son and I are going to see Robbie Krieger at the local casino in their free venue next month.
  10. After looking more into it, yes, you are correct that the statute of limitations wouldn't have applied because it was beyond it, and moreover the change wasn't retroactive. I will admit my mistake. But while I've learned (after the OJ trial) not to be 100% confident of any verdict, yes I am still very confident a "not guilty" verdict would have been returned in a criminal trial for the reasons I mentioned. Quoting penal laws doesn't change anything for me.
  11. Let me help you with what he actually said, not what you think you saw/might have been told:
  12. Joke got Wuhan virus twice despite "following the science," but he was vaccinated and there were treatments. Unlike when Trump got it. As for the comically bad initial response, what makes you think Hilly's would have been any different? I'd figure it would be the same as Joke's and several waves of variants came in under him. The difference (again) being vaccines and treatments available that weren't under Trump.
  13. Only the truly gullible believe the "stutter" excuse. They're the same ones who insist Joke never knew he had classified info in his garage. Now if you told me Barry had a stuttering problem, I'd believe it...
  14. LOL! You can't make this ***** up!
  15. This makes no sense. The transactions were between Trump and banks. Trump gave them property values and they gladly accepted the numbers he provided. They never bothered to check his numbers and got paid, so therefore no one got hurt. And consequently the number the judge provide is wholly invented.
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