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Everything posted by Doc

  1. The US tried to warn them and they claimed that we tried to blackmail them? WTF?
  2. That's because no one trusts "fact checkers" or "experts" anymore. Totally self-inflicted.
  3. You really don't know what the bolded was trying to say?
  4. Notice they had to whip out Barry. That's how bad things are going for them.
  5. Congrats on predicting all this 15+ years ago. Never mind that Dems are the ones who have taken over education and led it downhill.
  6. I worked with a GI doc during that time who was terrified of Wuhan virus. He bought himself a space suit kind of outfit, washed his hands incessantly and would use the foam hand cleaner and get it all over himself. One time I walked into the men's locker room and there was foam all over the floor, walls and himself and I said "James, it looks like a porno shoot in here."
  7. Again, you cannot love something you want to fundamentally change. I'm not sure you can even like that thing.
  8. You realize there have been over 1.7M "gotaways" since 2021, right? You think they were all angels?
  9. McGovern is the putative starter. Clapp is the backup. As for the secondary, Poyer was washed and Tre missed almost the entire season. And I think at worst they could get Hyde to come back given the soft safety market. Linebacker will be set. The issue is replacing Floyd. Hopefully that's done by Von.
  10. Depends entirely on McGovern. The rest are the same or better (rookie year behind Torrence). As for safety, I think they'll ultimately field a better tandem than last year. Edge likely takes a hit though.
  11. California: the lab for terrible ideas.
  12. Do you think Joke will dare to debate Trump live on TV? I don't.
  13. They just got one in Samuel. No need for another.
  14. That's probably how he got the bond to cover the judgment.
  15. I heard about the 70-something virgins a long time ago. It's mostly a joke to me. So if it's Jews, why did they attack Russia?
  16. Yeah, that's what I was getting at. Paid for by ISIS. Maybe they're starting to realize that the 72 virgins aren't worth it?
  17. Everyone loves a good conspiracy theory. It just depends on what you choose to believe.
  18. Before knowing to which team he's going?
  19. Why claim credit if they didn't do it? Why not let Russia believe it was Ukraine? The most logical explanation is they did do it and wanted to boast because they love to kill. There ya go. Can't spend the money if you go on a suicide mission...
  20. So judging by your sarcasm, you don't think ISIS did it? But they're taking credit for it anyway?
  21. If this reply is what passes as "intelligence," No, a player not wanting to return to a team and a team not wanting him to return absolutely affect trade compensation, especially if there's a deadline like the draft and the trading team wanting to get a draft pick and unload a problem player who will want a say in where he goes and threaten to not report if he doesn't get his way (and I can guarantee you Belicheat wasn't giving the Bills a 1st and the Bills wouldn't have traded him there anyway). So believing the Bills would have gotten a 1st for him is nothing more than that: a belief. Blow harder if you must.
  22. This is dumb. So is Karen (for short) saying that ISIS feels compelled to admit responsibility because Ukraine is being blamed? Or that ISIS is lying and taking blame for the attack when it was really Ukraine? Because ISIS is on Ukraine's side?
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