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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Nothing beats this cover:
  2. Funny you mentioned that. Take a look at the ShoutBox. Three people talking about how terrible it is to have to say the Pledge of Allegiance or "My Country, 'Tis of Thee."
  3. So from 12 not even 2 weeks ago to 31 as of Tuesday? In Chicago and not the entire state of Illinois? And not a peep about it?
  4. We Indian Americans don't commit crimes. If anything, there might be a description of a 7/11 owner... I think that they know the person who committed the crime. That's why they used that particular silhouette. If it comes out that he was something else, then I'll be offended as well.
  5. I mean, if it comes out that it wasn't a black perp, sure, it's offensive. But I'm figuring they know.
  6. Hey, Trump's $454M+ bond was reduced to just $175M (which he likely had weeks ago) and he's worth $3B thanks to Truth Social. They need all the wins they can get right now...
  7. And I'm sure that one mention this month was him saying his last name and the mumbling that sometimes follows...
  8. It's not. Now if she had been brown/black, "coco(a)" would have made sense...
  9. I was surprised the NYP framed it that way. "It was just trying to steal her car..."
  10. "Coco" is a racist term?
  11. Yeah, no they're not. I don't get why libs are all pro-Hamas when Hamas would kill every lib for their beliefs and then use your corpse to shield themselves from IDF gunfire.
  12. They only hired her because Trump got her fired and they were hoping she'd turn on him.
  13. Most lack empathy and impulse control as well. So even if they were to think about the consequences, many don't care and/or can't help themselves.
  14. Bden's name means shart. Yet EA allows it...
  15. He's a better candidate than Biden. Biden's approval ratings and the polls tell you all you need to know. But I'm not expecting or telling you to vote for Trump.
  16. That's what they're told to believe/support. For the good of the party.
  17. How much you want to bet Joke visits Baltimore well before the time it took for him to visit East Palestine?
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