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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Sorry but $25M won't make Joe un-senile or polish his terrible policies.
  2. J6 is passe. No one cares anymore.
  3. "Teach them well." Found the problem...
  4. Great job bringing out Slick. Stellar actually.
  5. Then you haven’t been listening/paying attention.
  6. I've heard "we've got him now" so many times...
  7. Of course he won't. We've already seen civil judgments go against him because there's such a low bar. Criminal convictions OTOH...
  8. Biden's been a disaster for everything but the stock market (currently) and people defending his ineptitude are stupid. I get why you do it because, hey, he seems like a swell guy. But he's not. At least I know that Trump isn't as well, but his policies align more with my own and that's what's more important.
  9. Not allowing women to abort babies isn't a "war on women." Even my Dem colleague acknowledged it's about the life of the baby. An actual "war on women" is allowing biological males to displace biological females.
  10. Like I said, you defund and vilify the police, all that's left to turn to is the military. And even their recruiting is down. We're *****.
  11. Man he licked that "stutter" back in the late 80's. And 76 out of 85? At Syracuse law? At the bargain price of $100K a plate...
  12. At least he didn't shower with her... Oh and with Joke whipping-out Slick to campaign for him, the Dems' moral superiority on sexual assault and affairs just went poof!
  13. No need to cry for Trump. The reduction to $175M was a boon for him. LOL! A "business law professor" opining shows you the difference between theory and practice.
  14. Why was it a shitshow when he left office? You think Wuhan virus had a lot to do with it?
  15. Was she expected to cough-it-up in 30 days? And most of her money is in Amazon stock, not real estate. Far easier to sell fairly quickly. Anyway, if you remain unconvinced, check out what Mark Cuban (no fan of Trump) said about billionaires having half a billion in cash on hand. In short, they don't have it and need time to get it, and more than 30 days.
  16. It wasn't. And will be overturned on appeal. That won't help in the interim. But reducing it to $175M did and he probably had that within the first week.
  17. If the most important issue is whether women can abort babies, we're ***** as a country.
  18. I've found that for the most part, I prefer a cover song when I've heard it before the original.
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