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Everything posted by Doc

  1. So is one conference the XFL and the other conference the USFL?
  2. They're so dumb/brainwashed, they'd probably tell you they'd rather be alone in a room with a Hamas terrorist than a Republican.
  3. I thought that Samantha Fox was called a "Page 6 girl" back in the day. After just doing a search, it appears she was a "Page 3 girl" and I've been remembering that wrong all these years.
  4. Like I've been saying, if you told a Dem prior to J6 that a bunch of unarmed people were going to take over the Government/country, they (rightfully) would have laughed in your face. It can't be done, even with this sorry-ass Administration.
  5. Was good for the most part but then loses it at the very end.
  6. Yeah but more importantly...what does his girlfriend/wife look like?
  7. He's not reading/saying what they're writing.
  8. Funny that the Democrats are now being viewed as the party of Anti-Semites.
  9. Dusting-off BF made no sense. Are they trying to get Kavanaugh removed again? And you want to see panic? Look no further than whipping-out Slick. Totally destroys any moral superiority they have when it comes to sexual assault/rape. Joke's approval rating isn't that bad. Yet.
  10. Refused to leave? He should’ve been taken out in a body bag.
  11. Well, she’s no JokeFromJerz…
  12. Just like no one forced anyone to accept Jon Stewart’s asking price for his property, no one forced the banks to accept Trump‘s valuations for his properties. That’s why it will fail on appeal.
  13. I guess they didn’t expect any Black people to attend…
  14. And those accused will have no choice but to hire some idiot lawyer who can’t pass the bar…
  15. Tell Hamas to stop stealing it.
  16. “If you’re a Democrat and you don’t vote for Trump, you ain’t Jewish.” By the way, (while searching for the quote and) watching the clip where he said that, it’s amazing how much he has declined in these four years.
  17. New York State should sue him for the back taxes he owes them for the undervaluing of his property. But he’s a liberal so…
  18. Yup. And it will be coming in 2025 and beyond...
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