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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Even if that were true, the same end result happens: nothing. Biden talked a good game when he was in his basement about MBS. When it came time to put his money where he mouth was, he turtled-up.
  2. Considering the joke of a punishment Brett Reid got, Rice will likely skate.
  3. Like I said, I initially figured Russia did it. Navalny was a dead man walking once he decided to go against Putin. Was it was better to go like he did or Prighozin? I don't know. But the Ukrainian confirmation of a blood clot came from their "top spy chief" who would be going by more than just Russia's word. And frankly, that's where my interest ended. Because despite what Biden has charged, the same thing will come as did when he charged MBS with Khashoggi's death: nothing.
  4. And more money. Don't cry too hard for them.
  5. Yeah, they poisoned him almost 4 years ago and 2 years after the Ukraine war started. Why now? Truth be told, I was initially willing to believe Russia had him killed. And then Ukraine, who has no reason to lie (about this) and in fact every reason to make people believe Russia killed him, said it was due to a blood clot. Which is why I asked the above.
  6. This is hogwash. Conservatives don't want a "hands off approach" to children once they're born. That's liberals. And once the child is born, adoption is an option.
  7. I view him as a younger, faster and bigger John Brown. His speed has been lacking for years now. And Josh will by far be the best QB he's played with.
  8. Show me that he told people to break into the Capitol. Until then, STFU Dick Jr.
  9. I'd contribute to a GoFundMe to buy her and anyone like her a ticket to wherever they want
  10. Yup. And they're doing this against the #2 offense in the country.
  11. Trump shouldn't have re-posted it. But it's a far cry from what Griffin did.
  12. Trump never told them to break into the Capitol. And without that happening, it's just a "mostly peaceful" protest outside. And that's why he'll never be (able to be) charged with it.
  13. After the first half ended, maybe you might think Illinois had a chance. But this 2nd half has been a clinic. They already equaled their first-half output in the first 8:20. Oh and UCONN lost to Xavier twice last season.
  14. Correcting everything Trump "did wrong" sure helped "shut down the virus" or even decrease the number of deaths (initially) now, didn't it?
  15. Pamela Anderson at her peak. And too bad that Christina Applegate isn't doing too well these days.
  16. I know it happens to fall on Easter, but TDOV has always been on March 31st.
  17. Add the Baldwins as well. Alec for killing a woman and Billy and Steven for the crimes of bad acting.
  18. Is it any wonder who started it?
  19. He spends the clip talking about how we didn't know what was happening and over-reacted to it...and then talks about how Trump didn't take it seriously enough? Because despite Joke "taking it seriously" by "listening to the science," reforming the pandemic response team and scaring everyone...there were the same number of deaths in the same time period as Trump and double the number overall. Again despite vaccines and treatments not available under Trump.
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