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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Again there was the clip of Jon Stewart back in the early days of The Daily Show talking about how Joke as a Senator was a lech. And now the campaign trots-out Bill Clinton to campaign for them.
  2. And similarly I wouldn't buy DJT.
  3. Add another legit outside WR and we're cooking with gas.
  4. Biden's begging for money, at $250K a plate. They're all money whores.
  5. The article (purposely) made it appear like Florida was losing population. When the truth is it is (still) gaining. It should have mentioned that and then said what you did, i.e. that not every state is for everyone.
  6. Poor guy's stock only worth $2.3B today.
  7. I don't believe anything anyone says anymore. She just as likely lost all her business and that's why she moved.
  8. I've been to Williamsburg many times. Once you visit Colonial Williamsburg a few times and eat at a pancake restaurant, you've pretty much exhausted the "sophistication" of the place. I'm glad I won't have to spend anymore time there.
  9. I don't know why anyone would want to become a police officer anymore. And that's terrifying.
  10. My son went to William&Mary and still lives in Williamsburg. Highest per-capita of pancake houses in the US. Screams sophistication... Yes this "graphic designer and illustrator" who "feel[s] as thought it could ignite at any point" sounds legit.
  11. They were libs who destroyed their states and decided to move to Florida. They found there were a lot of Repubs (shocker!) so they moved back to their safe spaces.
  12. Like Mike Tyson said "Everyone has a [belief] until they get punched in the mouth."
  13. Even if that were true, the same end result happens: nothing. Biden talked a good game when he was in his basement about MBS. When it came time to put his money where he mouth was, he turtled-up.
  14. Considering the joke of a punishment Brett Reid got, Rice will likely skate.
  15. Like I said, I initially figured Russia did it. Navalny was a dead man walking once he decided to go against Putin. Was it was better to go like he did or Prighozin? I don't know. But the Ukrainian confirmation of a blood clot came from their "top spy chief" who would be going by more than just Russia's word. And frankly, that's where my interest ended. Because despite what Biden has charged, the same thing will come as did when he charged MBS with Khashoggi's death: nothing.
  16. And more money. Don't cry too hard for them.
  17. Yeah, they poisoned him almost 4 years ago and 2 years after the Ukraine war started. Why now? Truth be told, I was initially willing to believe Russia had him killed. And then Ukraine, who has no reason to lie (about this) and in fact every reason to make people believe Russia killed him, said it was due to a blood clot. Which is why I asked the above.
  18. This is hogwash. Conservatives don't want a "hands off approach" to children once they're born. That's liberals. And once the child is born, adoption is an option.
  19. I view him as a younger, faster and bigger John Brown. His speed has been lacking for years now. And Josh will by far be the best QB he's played with.
  20. Show me that he told people to break into the Capitol. Until then, STFU Dick Jr.
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