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Everything posted by Doc

  1. We're also a long way off from war. Much less one involving a ground invasion.
  2. We're a long way off from a draft.
  3. I agree. But what was the purpose of this thread?
  4. Just $22M? That's chump change for Nancy...
  5. It's not difficult to comprehend that Joke isn't all there mentally anymore.
  6. Two ultra-Orthodox members? Shocking.
  7. But hey, they haven't resigned!
  8. I would say someone who murdered someone else is an animal. Why does the left have such a problem with it?
  9. Wait until later on this month when they're quietly revised down. By a lot.
  10. No the impetus for HCQ came from doctors who weren't pushing ay political agenda and were trying to find something to fight a virus with no known treatments at the time. The left trying to claim it was a dangerous drug so that no one used it told me all I needed to know. And no, I wasn't bothered by it. I knew that Hilly would have done no better, if not worse. And I was proven right by Joke's first year in Office.
  11. Thankfully social media and especially garbage like this wasn't around when my kids were growing up. If it had been, I would never have allowed them to use it.
  12. And yet he'll win the election in November.
  13. Jackie boy's getting desperate. The question is, do the Repubs impeach Joke over his felonious stealing, storage and sharing of classified material, or do they just continue to let him sink his own re-election bid?
  14. Yeah, he's said nothing about Engoron himself...
  15. No one's buying that Trump is anywhere close to as demented as Joke.
  16. (Against my better judgment, I'll ask...) What is a lie?
  17. I'm not suggesting anything skippy. I'm saying one had absolutely nothing to do with the other.
  18. Trump didn't push ivermectin. That was more Joe Rogan, who is more of a Democrat. And many doctors were talking about HCQ as a treatment for Wuhan virus before Trump, which is why Trump started promoting it. Fauci even mentioned it as a possible treatment for coronaviridae years prior. You see, there was no treatment for Wuhan virus at all at the time and it was a safe drug and we were trying to save lives. Meanwhile the left did all they could to make it sound like a dangerous drug that Trump invented because he owned stock in it and thus it couldn't be taken under any circumstances. We all know the reason why. And for the love of god stop talking about Trump's "credibility" or how he didn't take it seriously. Biden did a worse job considering he had as many deaths in his first year despite vaccines and treatments.
  19. Sicknick died of a blood clot the next day. That had nothing to do with J6.
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