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Everything posted by Doc

  1. That game in Houston should be interesting...
  2. No talk of measles being a "heat-seeking missile" in Chicago? And that was after just 8 cases in the entire state of Florida. This is over 7 times that and nary a peep. Shocker. Yup. You'd think the "pandemic response team" would have been on top of it...
  3. Initially you said/believed that he never knew he had classified information and it was "spillage" thanks to his underlings. Now it appears you're saying that knowingly possessing classified material and not giving it back is OK because he wasn't asked for it back (which is what is truly nonsense). Is that what you're saying? Because I don't want to put words in your mouth...
  4. It will be interesting to see who he pardons. It shouldn't be those who committed actual crimes.
  5. It's true, it is way to expensive. But that's just horrible planning and execution, as usual.
  6. "Oral history." The joke just writes itself...
  7. And you keep ignoring that Hur found evidence that Biden willfully retained classified information. And shared some with his ghostwriter. And he had that information for many more years than Trump did and stored some in his garage.
  8. I'll laugh for you. At you. Yes on the bolded parts but no on the rest. I've been saying all along that either they both should be charged or neither should be. It's the Dems who are trying to have it both ways.
  9. It's only going to get worse for Biden. The Dems' only hope is that Trump gets convicted.
  10. No I just realize when I'm dealing with people who aren't as smart as they think they are and/or are merely partisan hacks. I deal with far more intelligent people on a daily basis and many have egos the size of Texas. If you truly believe Biden didn't know he had classified material for years, you're a moron. But I realize that you have to believe it because Biden just has to be different from Trump in your eyes to help you sleep at night. So go hiding behind your legal standards. I live in the real world, not a courtroom.
  11. How do I know she can't? Has she yet? What's she waiting for? An "October surprise"? It's cute you rely on abortion. That's pretty much all you have at this point. But don't take my word for it. Just look at them needing to get Barry and Slick out there. And watch them refuse to let Biden debate Trump.
  12. Stop avoiding the question. Why would he "wish her well" if she could reveal dirt on him? They're scared because the polls look terrible for them. Hence the reason to trot-out Slick and his terrible record against women.
  13. Yes, "wish her well" to not end up like Epstein so she could live to "prove somebody was guilty." Really sounds like a guy worried about what she (since she was Epstiein's right-hand woman) would say. Think next time. And yes, Bill Clinton is a pig. Why drag him out to campaign for Biden? Could it be that the Dems scared shitless and reduced to having to whip him out?
  14. He also said Biden is senile. Pick one or the other. I'm sorry you're a partisan hack. The only embarrassment is you continuing to deny Biden knew he had classified material. It says more about you than anything else.
  15. If Trump had been worried about what she would say, why would he "wish her well"?
  16. He returned them in 2017, after showing them to his ghostwriter? You struggle with the truth. But you're a lawyer so...
  17. Even they know Biden willfully took, kept and improperly stored and shared classified material. They have to convince themselves that he's innocent while gaslighting everyone else.
  18. Dubya checked-out decades ago. He didn't even hit the trail for Mitt.
  19. I'm still laughing that they brought Slick out to campaign for Joke. Talk about hamstringing yourself.
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