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Everything posted by Doc

  1. She's the standard-bearer for the Dem party. And who says you can't sleep your way to the top?
  2. Brilliant analysis as usual "IT person." On the spectrum of more unbelievable things, children thinking they're the opposite sex and having their genitals mutilated is far higher than a kid thinking they're a cat and being allowed to have a litter box at school. It takes several layers of people to make the monumentally stupid decision to permanently alter a child's sex organs versus accommodating them with something innocuous like a litter box. But hey, keep denying the clown show (literally) your party has become and is trying to push on children.
  3. No link is needed when you see the facts that as many people died in Biden's first year as Trump's last year and 600K died after Trump left Office. How could that be possible if Biden was pro-medicine and science?
  4. Pathetic. And I like John Kirby although that's only because he seems like a nice guy. But like most, it wouldn't surprise me if he were a POS behind the scenes.
  5. I know everything you can't handle is a hoax. But again, when kids can think they're the opposite sex and have their genitals mutilated over that belief, why a kid believing they are a cat and having a litter box is so unbelievable is really odd thinking. At least there no permanent body-altering surgery is required.
  6. Google "kids identifying as cats and having litter boxes has never happened anywhere in the world"? LOL. OK. At one time you could also Google "children aren't getting gender-changing surgery" also...
  7. As many people died under Biden's first year as Trump's last year despite there being vaccines and treatments not available under Trump. Biden not only didn't "shut down the virus," you could argue he did a worse job despite "correcting all the things Trump did wrong."
  8. LOL! Google...what? And let me clarify that I don't believe the litter box is being used. It's just there.
  9. I validated it with several people whose kids go to the school where it happened.
  10. Erythromycin and HCQ are/were dangerous. LMAO! Aaron Stupar strikes again.
  11. That's got to be a deep fake, or whatever they call it.
  12. Hey, he's doing it for Michigan...
  13. She was a teenager. No one supports it to that age. Hell past 5 is pushing it.
  14. Asked the US to step aside? What in the actual *****?
  15. I just don't see why, when children are getting their genitals removed, that a kid having a litter box at school is so offensive/unbelievable.
  16. I was in the PACU sitting down at the nurse's station talking to a nurse and felt the ground shake. I said to her "I think it's an earthquake." Got confirmation from my wife a few minutes later. No one else felt it, which I thought was odd.
  17. Wrong. But not sure why this is so hard for you (and y'all) to accept?
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