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Everything posted by Doc

  1. It's like Hunter's laptop. Claimed to be fake but gotta sue the people who got/found it and showed it to the world. And ultimately verified to be true.
  2. Putin prefers Dems because they're easily manipulated. We see evidence of that every day here.
  3. Biden's the best campaigner for Trump...
  4. Biden hasn't taken blame for not only not shutting down Wuhan virus like he promised (from his basement) but doing a terrible job by having 600K deaths under his watch despite vaccines and treatments.
  5. That's where it breaks down for them since they've never thought it through. They just know (or more precisely have been told) that democracy was almost lost that day. And many of these are supposedly "highly-educated" people. Nobody cares about J6 after the Summer of 2020 riots, which were far more deadly and destructive, and had long-lasting terrible consequences. As you said our democracy was never in any danger and the Capitol is more secure than ever, while hopefully they'll take these gatherings a bit more seriously in the future.
  6. What was that about Dunning-Kruger Effect again? If a pregnant woman has signs of a miscarriage (bleeding, abdominal pain) and a good-faith effort is made to search for a fetal heart beat and none is found, one can confidently declare it's a miscarriage. The ultrasound is the evidence. Everything else is political machinations.
  7. The above, denying the Wuhan virus could have come from the Wuhan virology lab where it was being studied and claiming HCQ was dangerous told me the medical/scientific community can be just as much a joke as any other.
  8. Maybe thieves should give 6 month notice before they rob the stores?
  9. Showering with his daughter is far worse than that video.
  10. OK Sue, here you go: https://www.newsweek.com/illegal-immigration-costs-us-billions-biden-administration-policy-impact-taxpayer-burden-1866555 And my number was gross cost. Net is $150B.
  11. I could just as easily have been alive without the vaccine.
  12. They they were idiots. This is as disingenuous as the "they won't treat women with ectopic pregnancies."
  13. Same scientists who said the Wuhan vaccine was 100% safe and would prevent you from getting and spreading Wuhan virus.
  14. Total lie. A miscarriage is an aborted fetus. They could absolutely have treated her.
  15. I was being sarcastic. God help us if women are deciding the fate of the country based on whether they can kill their babies halfway through gestation.
  16. Current evidence says that transgenderism is a phase most outgrow. "Follow the science."
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