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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Like I said, I support abortion. But after a certain point, it's not just an affront to freedom: it's murder. Even the law says that murdering a pregnant woman, no matter how far along she is, is double homicide.
  2. The point is people will decide what matters to them. Not what you believe should matter to them.
  3. That's dependent on the topic. I can assure you that the vast majority of non-Muslim protestors of Isreal have never met a Gazan in their life and the same goes for those who support Ukraine/Ukrainian. Yet it still matters to them.
  4. How many people are taking sides in the Isreal-Gaza war, when it has no effect on most of them? Sorry that's not a criteria for mattering.
  5. What do you think ownership is doing wrong? I mean, they bought the Bills and within their 3rd full season of ownership got their HC and GM and the team was finally back in the playoffs after 17 seasons. And hockey is Terry's first love. I mean the team was very successful under Golisano who was cheap and didn't care about hockey, other than wanting to prevent the Sabres from leaving Buffalo.
  6. I agree completely about birth control. But how many Christians (all faiths) are against preventative birth control versus abortifacients?
  7. That's what has been reported. Initially I thought it was when she was a toddler. But anything prior to the age of 6 she likely wouldn't remember. And again, why lie? Why even put that in a diary if you're not sure it actually happened? Was I responding to you with the post you quoted? Nope. And as I said, I wouldn't claim he's a pedophile. But he's had enough creepy behavior that, like you with Trump, I'd be willing to believe he's had his share of sexual assaults in the past, that were hushed with the Congressional slush fund. Here we go with the "it's Russian disinfo" BS again. Hunter's laptop "didn't gain traction" initially. And then (conveniently) years later we find out it was his laptop. I know what's really frustrating you is that Dems can't claim the moral high ground here. That and trotting out Slick instead of vilifying him lost them any right to point fingers.
  8. It's not just a "mass of cells:" it's life which, if left undisturbed, will most likely become viable, born and turn into a human being. No other "mass of cells" will accomplish that feat. Using viability as the milestone is deceptive when, by aborting it, you're denying it the chance to reach viability. That being said, I've always maintained that abortion shouldn't be banned. But there needs to be a limit at which it can no longer happen, with exception of danger to the mother. If you start aborting imperfection, you're going down the eugenics path. Should we apply that to people who are born as well? And I've seen that Republicans have shifted on this topic. Again I was floored when Mike Pence, a "Jesus freak" if you will, said a 15 week abortion ban was acceptable. But not accepting a 15 week abortion ban is what ultimately got RvW overturned.
  9. We know for a fact that it's her diary. Therefore it's what she wrote. But it's interesting it's #believeallwomen...until it's inconvenient.
  10. On the flip side, the desire for Dems to do exactly the opposite Trump says/does/believes, even when they believed it themselves just years prior, is maddening. The border is such an example. Again Biden refuses to undo what he did to create this crisis because that gives Trump a win. So instead he blames the Repubs for the border for not accepting a terrible border bill, when 10M illegals have already entered under his watch. And then lies about not being able to do anything.
  11. I can't say he's a pedo. Showering with your teenage daughter is sick in its own right, but there's no evidence he molested her. Again I don't know why she'd lie about something like that in a diary no one was meant to see and she didn't let/mean to get out.
  12. So your issue is with her choice of words? What if he said "probably not appropriate" and she were 15 or 16? And again, what does she gain lying about her father in a diary no one was supposed to see? It wasn't she who leaked the diary. It somehow "got out." Kind of like the Steele dossier did... But showering with your daughter at any time except for up to toddler age is creepy AF. And let's be honest here, Biden has lots of legit video of him being creepy with girls and women, while again, Jon Stewart made mention of it on TDS over a decade ago. And then there's the monumentally tone deaf decision to bring Slick out to campaign for him. Again moral high ground gone.
  13. How do we know EJC told her friend when it happened? Did she, say, put in a diary? Or was it just her/their word? We know they both hate Trump. OTOH, you think a teenage Ashley Biden was going to tell someone about her (then) Senator father showering with her? What motivation do you think she had in making up a lie about her own father that she had hidden (for decades) in her diary?
  14. Just like there was "compromise" when Biden passed scores of EOs to undo everything Trump did, creating this crisis? Things he can easily undo first to see how it works before passing a massive (and likely pork-laden) bill that won't help much? But no, that would give Trump a win and we can't have that, can we?
  15. Of course 3rd world countries are paying coyotes to take their criminals. How else can they afford what the coyotes charge?
  16. The "fact" is no one was protected by the vaccine while Trump was in Office. Whatever point you think you were making wasn't one. Trying to give Biden a win because he inherited vaccines and treatments is so lame.
  17. Did anyone (other than Byrd) unholster their weapon? Was this supposed to be like a bank robbery, i.e. people were just going to show their weapons to the Government and they just hand over democracy?
  18. Oh yes, it was available mid-way through December, and you needed a 2nd dose at least 3 weeks later and then to wait 2 weeks to develop a degree of immunity. Good one. And OK, Biden (allegedly) listened to his intelligence reports. Guess what? The variants still got in the country.
  19. Hoax. Trump told them to peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard.
  20. As I said in another thread, there was no vaccine under Trump to refuse. Or treatments. And Kamala Harris said she wouldn't trust the vaccine.
  21. I'll take Trump's personality over Biden's sheer incompetence anyday. You don't have to like your leader. And what you see with career politicians like Biden is what they want you to see. But behind closed doors, they're really no better than you think Trump is. As for the "Putin owns Trump" stuff, it was idiotic 7 years ago and is even more so today. Putin showed he was afraid of Trump by refusing to invade Ukraine while he was President. Because, as Putin admitted, Dems are predictable and weak.
  22. Again, there was no vaccine to refuse under Trump. Or treatments. Biden was handed both, thanks to Trump, and still there were as many deaths in his first year. He's responsible for all Americans.
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