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Everything posted by Doc

  1. What did Trump have to do with Acosta back in 2006? Nothing. And guys like him don't make decisions that don't come from higher-up. From what I can tell, Maxwell went into hiding before Epstein was arrested. She was finally found/caught. And again, why would Trump "wish her well" if she could embarrass him? Wouldn't he want to wish her ill?
  2. Fair enough he wasn't fired. But if Terry truly wanted him, he would have given in to his demands. I'm sure Terry got some input from players and didn't really think too highly of him. And the players weren't sad to see him go from what I've heard. Has he done a good job with the Bills? Definitely. Sabres? No.
  3. Ghislaine Maxwell, his representative, was at Chelsea's wedding in 2010, which was 6 years after Trump ended his relationship with him. Did they ever disavow him prior to him going down? And true on that last statement. Which is why it was odd that they had Slick campaigning for Biden. When the least tone deaf thing to do would have been to let Slick just fade into the woodwork.
  4. The fact remains that they were responsible for RvW being overturned. You know, those 2nd and 3rd order effects were you talking about earlier.
  5. Who allowed Putin to invade Ukraine in the first place?
  6. Talk about not appreciating 2nd and 3rd order consequences...
  7. Tired. But not to worry, France is stepping up to the plate.
  8. You think the JWHO regrets their decision? Or does the political fallout make it worth it?
  9. I just find it funny that you libs keep talking about Trump and Epstein as if Dems (like the Clintons, who are still darlings of the Dems) weren't still friends with him until the very end. While Trump ditched him years prior.
  10. The Jackson Women's Health Organization. You think they regret their decision now?
  11. No, that's for the Russian hookers...
  12. You missed that he's also talking about Israel.
  13. Trump's a(n alleged) racist. Why would he ban abortion, which non-whites use 6X more than whites?
  14. I'm sure they all showered together later...
  15. Hoax. Trump had nothing to do with Arizona.
  16. Yes because Terry told him to pound sand with his demands. Took the $1M buyout and ran.
  17. Yup. But, again (and again, and again, and...) that would give Trump and win and Dems can't have that, can they?
  18. He's just the stooge tasked with carrying out this incompetent and corrupt Admin's policies.
  19. Who did? Terry? Nope. He fired Marrone when he made demands, about coaches I believe.
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