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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Hoax. They've already proven themselves to be liars. And the above is just a more energetic fist bump... Great point. Like I said, people knew what he was (rich cheater) all along. And like I said, the Dems lost all moral high ground with Slick.
  2. Doesn't matter. There were no vaccines to refuse under Trump yet he was blamed.
  3. Just like it would have been the end of Biden if the laptop hadn't been lied about by 51 liars.
  4. Hoax. He's responsible because it happened under his watch.
  5. No one would have cared about that prior to the election. Trump's a known cheater. Has been for decades. Kind of like how no one cared that he was rich. While Romney tried to hide from it.
  6. He doesn't care for his daughter or grandkids? Meaning his own flesh and blood? No way. Third wife, maybe.
  7. It's less about blame than what you said about 2nd and 3rd order effects. I've always believed people should think first before they act. It's how I live my life. If a person walks through a bad section of town at night and gets mugged/injured/killed, do you blame them for what happened? I just didn't think the juice was worth the squeeze, seeing as how it reduced the abortion limit by just a week from JCHO's own limit. And it certainly wasn't worth it considering the outcome.
  8. Biden can't reverse the things he did to make this an absolute disaster. Because, again, that would give Trump a win.
  9. If the future of America rests on whether you can kill a baby after 15 weeks, we're all porked. Worse than we already have been under Biden.
  10. Yup, Donnie's gonna start exterminating Jews, starting with his SIL, daughter and grandkids.
  11. You mean other countries are not sending their best? And I'm sure we're catching them all...
  12. Epstein had a painting of Clinton in Monica's blue dress on the wall of his mansion on Lolita Island, FCOL.
  13. Right. No one paid attention to him sticking a cigar up his intern's cooch in the Oval Office back then. Good one. Right and this "information" is all being suppressed by the Dems because they want to protect Trump. Another good one.
  14. College tuition continues to rise every year. Are we going to "forgive" college debt every 4 years? More frequently? Interesting side note, my son went to an accepted students day at the law school he'll be attending (as of now, still waiting on others). They actually encouraged him to become a state resident so he could pay the in-state tuition rate in years 2 and 3, which is about $20K less. I was floored that the school actually suggested this.
  15. Slick's a rapist as well. Is it a sign of how desperate the Dems are that they had him campaign for Biden, when ignoring him would have been the best move and made them not look like hypocrites? What does Giuffre have to do with Trump, other than working at Mar-a-lago up until 2000? As your link says, she was lured away by Epstein. And she never said Trump did anything inappropriate with/to her. There underage girls at Epstein's parties at MAL? Meanwhile Trump ended his relationship with Epstein after he harassed a member's daughter in 2004. You're reaching big time here. Acosta likely took his orders from someone much higher-up (at the time) than Trump. Maybe even an ex-Presidente... And again, you don't wish someone well who can implicate you in crimes. Had he said "I hope she rots in jail," you'd be saying he said that because he hopes she dies in jail like Epstein. Because Melania married Trump for love and sex? Come on... She's with him for the same reason Hilly stayed with Slick after he raw-dogged a lounge singer prior to becoming President and then an intern as President.
  16. He's no different than the residents of Martha's Vineyard. A bunch of bleeding heart libs but they couldn't wait to ship the illegals out as fast as they could.
  17. Old tactic. They've been doing this since Trayvon Martin. It's how they continue to perpetuate racism and why they deserve scorn and ridicule.
  18. Even they don't believe it. It's just what they say for the sake of party unity.
  19. I'm not obtuse. You just don't like the question or that I turned the "2nd and 3rd order effects" back on you. As for the Gestational Age Act being "unconstitutional," many have argued that Roe was. And the then and current makeup of the SCOTUS was one that could potentially overturn it. And what I don't get is that, from what I've read, JWHO only performed abortions up until 16 weeks. The GAA wanted to limit it to 15 weeks except for danger to the mother. It wasn't worth it and again I wonder if they had to do it all over again, would they have?
  20. Drag racing/going almost 50 miles over the speed limit, causing others to crash and get injured, having pot in the car and leaving the scene are going to be hard to reduce to a misdemeanor.
  21. Sorry but Slick's past and present are very on-topic. The Dems would have been better-served not dusting him off but obviously he's still very important to them.
  22. So you're saying that even if JWHO hadn't sued Dobbs, SCOTUS still would have overturned Roe?
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