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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Right. That they felt emboldened under Obama and Biden is just a coincidence.
  2. Yes, the world melting down is proof positive of that...
  3. Not so fast. I think we're both in agreement that Rice is screwed here. His being rich won't help him.
  4. Few people are worthy of adulation once you truly get to know them. And while he may be a POS, it doesn't automatically make him a criminal. I'd put defending a friend in a bar fight so far down the list of "POS" things to do and barely a blip on the criminal scale.
  5. It's been almost 4 months. Where's the 4th time? But yes, if/when it happens, that will be close to, if not at, the top.
  6. Yeah, a guy with his friend in a head lock. Wait, not just a guy, a cop. If your belief is "Shady should know better"...shouldn't the cop? It was a bar fight. Hence no charges. We've been over this many times. Your "he was rich, that's why the DA lied and screwed over his own cops" doesn't hold any water. Your pitchfork never gets put away. Because you fall for the original narrative every...single...time.
  7. Being rich can certainly help you when the aggrieved party isn't rich. But this case has numerous aspects where Rice won't be able to skate so easily. My point with Shady's case is that it involved cops and no DA would favor a rich athlete over his own guys. Much less the non-rich friend(s) who were mostly involved in the bar fight. You know they investigated it to the fullest extent possible and found nothing to charge anyone with.
  8. I find it funny that anyone would think Melania cared that Trump was banging other chicks. That meant less time that she needed to do the job. Especially during pregnancy.
  9. Then why didn't his non-rich friend(s) get charged? The other guys weren't your average citizens: they were cops.
  10. I would have waited for more than 1 instance. But that's just me. Again the difference in energy level between the 2 is marked.
  11. More like Dems gleefully pointing out that Trump fell asleep for the first time in public that probably anyone has seen, when Biden is worse...is hypocrisy.
  12. Saying it out loud doesn't matter. It's the subtext when you don't say it that's important.
  13. And that's why the Dems are now known as the party of Anti-Semites.
  14. I was being sarcastic when I said that he was worried. He's not. Hence he wouldn't be sleeping in court. But why libs are so geeked about Trump falling asleep inside a boring courtroom when Biden does it so frequently they often times they have to put a lid on his day as early as 9 AM is curious.
  15. His issue with McCain was pushing the bogus Steele Dossier. And it didn't seem to bother other POWs, or at least, enough to prevent getting elected.
  16. Wheel. Radio and then television. Computers.
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