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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Why are libs so upset about this? Isn’t the justification for letting illegals into the country that we need more kids being born?
  2. I'm all for pardoning those who entered through open doors and did nothing but walk around. Anything more than that, no.
  3. Gotta somehow get the word out to Michigan...
  4. That's significantly easier and cheaper than getting from a 3rd world country to the Southern border...
  5. For a guy with routine 9 AM lids, he is...
  6. It's far easier to go from nothing to something than vice versa. And that's the problem with giving people free stuff. They continue to expect it.
  7. No need to track it. It obviously didn't work as homelessness is only getting worse. The question is: where did all the money go?
  8. Hamas/Iran should have considered 2nd and 3rd order effects before their barbaric October 7th offensive. But stay mad. What mess? In Ukraine? No. In Israel/Iran? No.
  9. Why? The previous guys lasted 3 years at most.
  10. OK, like who? And why would the Chefs necessarily be the beneficiaries?
  11. Brind'Amour is still coaching the 'Canes. As for Lindy, Terry kept him for a couple seasons after buying the team and that was the start of the drought. Peca would be interesting.
  12. Sorry, I thought I read that Adams was also gone.
  13. I would have been shocked if they'd been brought back. Just missing the playoffs by 1 point last year and then regressing this year said their time was up. So who would people like to see be brought in as GM and HC?
  14. Not all acts are criminal and/or are worthy of being charged. You also know this. The fact that (off-duty) cops were involved and his friends weren't rich (if the theory is that being rich gets you out of trouble) and still no charges were filed should tell you everything you need to know. But what did you think (hope) he was going to be charged with? A poor imitation of a WWE stomp? A felony? He brought it up as evidence of the "criminals" the Chefs have had on their teams. Not that they didn't have enough more recent examples...
  15. Dems: The party of babies who govern like young children.
  16. Yep, it was a weak attempt. We all saw the video. Hence no charge. You're not making your case here.
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