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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Purposely under-man law enforcement, refuse reinforcements and agitate the crowd. Then have some guy talk about breaking into the Capitol and someone else actually do it and then you get what happened.
  2. If you want to call what Israel is doing to Gaza "genocide," you can blame Hamas for that. That's what happens when you use your own people as human shields, hide in schools/hospitals, etc.
  3. I just posted that (before I saw this and then deleted it). With Samuel, Shakir, Kincaid and Knox, you already have the makings of a good WR group.
  4. The hundreds of EOs Biden issued when he took office are the root cause. Along with Democrats prior to the election basically rolling out the red carpet to illegals. But thanks for proving what we’ve all been saying about you.
  5. Riiiiiight. Tell me again how this crisis happened, with over 5X more illegals entering the country than under Trump? A crisis mind you that the Dems assured us wasn't happening...until the polls started to turn against them.
  6. His solution wasn't just a wall and it wasn't dumb. And yes, with Dems fighting him every step of the way because they want illegals in the country, likely nothing will get passed. So it will have to be EOs.
  7. Houston, Quebec City, Oklahoma City and even Atlanta and Arizona again. Several options.
  8. Since Biden won't reverse the damage he did to the border by himself, it will be fixed on January 20th...
  9. https://www.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-people-claiming-trump-212200336.html Nope. Hindu by birth, atheist by choice.
  10. Gas and oil prices going up daily. Glad my home heating oil tank is full and it's getting warmer.
  11. You'd think that frightening thought would kill his re-election chances. But it's not a cult...
  12. Yeah but that's mostly black-on-black crime. We're not supposed to talk about that...
  13. Not everyone likes everything each candidate supports. You pick and choose what you're willing to ignore if the rest is what's more important. I think that abortion is more of a big deal to fundamentalists than cheating on your wife. And wait, didn't you say you cheated on your wife?
  14. Might want to rethink that one. They check for Trump under their beds every night... Waaaaaaay too late for that one...
  15. Another self-inflicted wound by the Dems.
  16. Come to grips with what? That Hamas needs to be eliminated?
  17. How did that or any other variant get in after 2021? I thought Biden was going to…
  18. Our enemies’ pronouns have always been “they/them.”
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