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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Remove the alleged "BLM supporter" and you'd be glad a white guy carrying an AK-47 got killed.
  2. It always amazed me that ostensibly smart people bought the "wet market" claim. Even more so when after years of being unable to identify the zoonotic origin. Now I wonder if they actually knew and just didn't want to admit it because it implicated Teflon Tony?
  3. So it was created in a lab from where it escaped. Whoda predicted that?
  4. LOL! I swear these clowns just hear "BLM" and that excuses them for everything, including what led to them getting killed.
  5. The case is dead. He won't need to restify. The prosecution hasn't even come close to making any case other than they're all partisan hacks. Yes, like that "truth" he told about having incriminating texts about Trump, that were really him being harrassed by a 14 year old. LMAO!
  6. I get that he has short arms, but I'd prefer to call them T-Rex arms. Alligator arms implies he shies-away from contact and/or can't catch, neither of which is true. But Samuel has long arms and I expect him to start outside, like did 70% of the time when he was with Brady in Carolina.
  7. I can see this lasting awhile. The trend has been for virtually every QB signing a new deal to be the highest paid. With Goff just getting a $53M/year extension, I have no doubt Tua's looking for at least that much, with a significant portion guaranteed.
  8. There wasn't a lot of effort. There's even evidence to suggest that Trump didn't even know about it and Cohen "fixed" it all on his own to curry favor with Trump and become his AG. As for your last sentence, the same could be said for Slick.
  9. It was worse than that. He tried to gaslight everyone by claiming there wasn't a crisis, until the polls turned on him.
  10. No. And the prosecution hasn't proven it beyond a reasonable doubt despite being ready to rest their case.
  11. He missed one game last year. Admittedly it was a big one, but even Edmunds, who is huge, missed 9 games in his 5 years with the Bills.
  12. Polling. Which I admit isn't as scientific as random tweets on X...
  13. That's how most feel about a second Biden term.
  14. It still is. It's something that should have been addressed 8 years ago. It took them this long to fabricate some whacky charge. But it's in the hands of a "jury of his peers." Who likely have no idea what the case is even about.
  15. Hicks, a witness for the prosecution mind you, made it clear the NDA was primarily to keep it secret from Melania. Preventing it from affecting his election was a side-benefit. And in all this, I'm surprised Trump's campaign never went after Daniels for extortion.
  16. Obviously it would benefit the campaign. But if his primary concern was Melania, as Hicks says, that's reasonable doubt that it was done just for the election.
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