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Everything posted by Doc

  1. I've been watching YouTube shorts and it's amazing how many people "brake check" others. Just stupid.
  2. It's more deflection because the Dems are now the party of anti-Semites. It's similar to how they're trying to claim Trump is anywhere as senile as Biden.
  3. No. Tons of people didn't vote and the ones who did later died from dehydration...
  4. LOL! Trump can't speak without a teleprompter? Good one. But at least we now know why he "froze."
  5. If Biden agrees to a drug test, it will happen. He can't set all the terms.
  6. LOL! Riiiiiight. That's why he proposed it. Sorry but negotiations aren't even close to being over. Saying "make my day...as long as I get my way" isn't a "negotiation."
  7. LOL! You doofus. Trump's now demanding Biden take a drug test before the debate. You talk about Trump's drug house, you're gonna be hearing about Biden's drug body.
  8. No. It's one thing to try and placate a murderous, crazy dictator while they're alive. It's another to offer condolences when they die.
  9. Where? I haven't heard that negotiating on the terms is over.
  10. The vaccine. It prevents you from getting infected and infecting others. Did you get lost on the way to another board?
  11. Why offer any condolences for this POS? Hell even Iranians are celebrating that he died.
  12. Either leave or stop with the stupid "nuke this board!"
  13. Hey Gene. Did they let you out for good behavior?
  14. Just saw an Iranian oral surgeon who operated this morning at our center and asked him "Iranian President dead: good or bad?" He said "very good."
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