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Everything posted by Doc

  1. "He's a liar but believe that what he says about Trump is the truth."
  2. He thinks the "TDS" in your name refers to Trump Derangement Syndrome.
  3. Yup. There was a lot of talk like this 6 years ago, also about the Bills' first draft pick.
  4. Last week your colleague was in college? The Dems have done it far better than he ever could have dreamed of doing.
  5. I remember the days of the "Taco Bell challenge." That is, ordering $20 worth of Taco Bell and trying to eat it all.
  6. Davis should get playing time but I can't say they'll rely on him. Same for Solomon. And if Van Pran wins the starting job, great, but they're not relying on him.
  7. How many? Maybe 2 (Coleman and Bishop). If any other rookies start, it's gravy.
  8. Who are they then? They may not all be students (shocker!) but who are they, what party do they belong to and who is paying them? Got any stats on those?
  9. It was a (likely young) staffer who reposted it (considering Trump was in the courtroom at the time). Again he has a daughter, SIL and grandkids who are Jewish so no, I don't believe it for a second.
  10. No idea. The biggest idiots are the ones who do it to 18 wheelers.
  11. When was that? About 30 years ago?
  12. No it's just another attempt to claim that Trump/Repubs is/are as "X" as Biden/his party. It's not working.
  13. And yet your party is on college campuses causing violence in the name of anti-semitism. Making hypocrites of themselves in the process.
  14. They're getting desperate. Biden's behind in the polls because people are finally starting to see how terrible and corrupt he is. Lawfare is failing. Their party is embracing terrorists so as to not lose a(nother) state for the Election so they have to make people believe it's Trump/conservatives who truly hate Jews.
  15. Funny considering the name of the guy posting...
  16. People often confuse equity with equality.
  17. Biden's also a rapist. Here we are.
  18. And don't know what a computer is...
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