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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Anyone else want to answer, since BSTime apparently doesn't know?
  2. I know the answer. I'm trying to find out if you do. Apparently you don't.
  3. Regardless of what didn't end up in the book, you not only can't knowingly keep classified material, you can't share it with unauthorized people. Everyone knows he knew he had classified material strewn around his house and we all know why the ghostwriter destroyed evidence after the investigation started. So if you want to go after Trump for "obstruction" because you're just out to get him, you'll have to agree that they should go after Biden. But you'll continue to claim "it's different." It's not. Not that it really matters anymore, or ever did in my opinion because, as I've been saying all along, I wouldn't charge anyone.
  4. Rookie year behind him, a full year in the S&C program and a chance to review things he did wrong as a rookie. Looking forward to year 2.
  5. This is you: Answer the question I asked you. Come on, you can do it.
  6. So you're saying that if he declassified them first, it would still be a big deal? That NARA absolutely had to get these unclassified documents back within 2 years of Trump leaving Office, necessitating armed agents raiding MAL and allowed to used deadly force if necessary? Look, it's apparent that a major reason why these people take this stuff is for memoirs later on, like Biden did for his $8M deal with the ghostwriter. Again what I care about is what was done with the information. If there's evidence he (or anyone else) used it for nefarious purposes, string them up. But it appears that Smith and his cohorts have cocked this case up. And then there's Cannon to do her best Merchan. He was. Did you see his poll numbers?
  7. Because Pence wasn't a threat at all to Biden politically. If not a way to say "see, we don't have to charge every Republican!" He "obstructed" because he felt that he was entitled to it because a President (and only a President) can declassify anything he wants. That's the difference between him and everyone else. Different rules for different people. If anything, everyone else should be charged and he shouldn't. And again, for the millionth time, there's little difference between Trump not giving it back when asked for it versus Biden knowingly having it and keeping it for years. The spirit of the law is to prevent people from using it for nefarious purposes. Otherwise it's just a property crime.
  8. Not false at all. Biden took classified information he never had any business having. He knowingly kept them. He kept them in a wholly insecure location. And he shared some with his ghostwriter. You can deny it all you want, but everyone, even daz28, knows it's true. But he's senile and to charge someone with something you need to be absolutely sure you can get a guilty verdict. Because in the history of the US, there have never been any "not guilty" verdicts (apparently ).
  9. Cannon should have cleared the courtroom (of everyone but a single lawyer) and read them the riot act...
  10. No. What Biden did was worse. But I still wouldn't charge him (or Trump). They just have a raging hard on for Trump.
  11. Right. You're fine with the SC's decision because it helps your side. Let me ask you: when this case fails, what will you say? That it should never have been brought because there was no chance to proven it beyond a reasonable doubt? No, you'll do what you said above and whine that it got dismissed "on a technicality." The crime is possessing classified material. Biden knew head it back in 2017 and never gave it back. So while he didn't "obstruct," he still broke the law. Saying "well, he's too senile to remember/admit it" is a cop out and you know it. But again, it helps your side so you're fine with it.
  12. Let me ask you this: do you think Biden knew he had classified documents in his possession since at least 2017?
  13. And here's a daz28 classic once again. I've said all along either you charge both or you charge neither.
  14. Because he wasn't President at the time he took them. And he knew at least as far back as 2017 that he had classified documents. He didn't return them until 2022.
  15. No, the funniest part is you (all) think he posted it.
  16. But what if Trump doesn't listen to the Supreme Court!
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