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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Most of them, according to https://abalegalfactcheck.com/. No one else can. You seem to be skipping the part where Biden knew he had classified material for years before conveniently giving it back after MAL was raided. Just because he wasn't asked means nothing. And it's been 2 years since MAL was raided. It's safe to say the intelligence review has been done and there was no threat to national security.
  2. No one was fully vaccinated when Trump was in Office. And Biden promised to shut down the virus. If he did that, there would be no need for vaccines.
  3. Don't sell Joe short. He's all those things, and senile too.
  4. Roberts will tell those clowns that Alito will recuse himself when Merchan does.
  5. Why take credit for them? They've been failures so far. And didn't Biden take credit for the vaccines?
  6. Alito has no reason to recuse himself if Merchan didn't.
  7. Not hard to figure out: it implicates Saint Fauci.
  8. "Morens: I don’t even know what the Ethics office does" Obviously...
  9. More people have died under Biden despite promising to "shut down the virus."
  10. Just openly admitting how much they hate the country now.
  11. It's the Pedo Project. What do you expect?
  12. The desperation is growing.
  13. LOL! Because Biden has control of anything...
  14. "Thats not how science works."
  15. Yeah it’s a great site. That’s where I saw that Samuel was used ~50% outside by Brady in Carolina. I forget who gave it to me but thanks to them.
  16. Unless I'm reading this wrong, Claypool was used by the Steelers (the only team that he played for that matters IMHO) 10.9% in the slot.
  17. No need to lie. Biden's got a terrible track record to go after, not just empty promises for when he gets into Office.
  18. There's a video that was posted in several threads explaining this. It would be wise for you all to watch it.
  19. I'm also sure a lot of people aren't aware of this alleged "history." What does that tell you? And link?
  20. We've already covered that hours ago as well. Yes disseminating stolen classified documents is a crime. What are you trying to get at here considering Biden disseminated classified information? And again, the difference between Trump having classified material and the others is he was President. Presidents have special privileges that others do not.
  21. Biden created the mess alone. He can also fix it alone. That's why most people blame him.
  22. I don't have the balls to answer a question I know the answer to? That's...something.
  23. Is that why Ohio Dems won't certify him and put him on their ballot, despite needing to have him on there more than 90 days before the election?
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