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Everything posted by Doc

  1. LOL! Yeah, who cares about real crimes hurting real people? Morons.
  2. I didn't. I have no idea what his schedule is. But again, Libertarians aren't his base. And the majority of his true base aren't wishing he'd step down, like with Biden.
  3. It's called campaigning. Libertarians aren't his base.
  4. Tell me you have no brains at all... No I'm first gen. Again, what does this have to do with anything?
  5. Wait, if you say you "back the blue," you're supposed to back corrupt law enforcement officers? That's just dumb.
  6. I didn't see that he'd settled.
  7. The "Unified Reich" hoax is dead already.
  8. LOL! The Libertarian National Convention? And the majority of Biden's base want him replaced and don't want to ever see Kamala as President. Yet they'll still vote for them.
  9. Samuel doesn't have alligator arms. So he's got that going for him. Which is nice... The 53-man roster or would PS work?
  10. Yup. If they had been given the option to leave or go to concentration camps...they would have left.
  11. LOL! The above is a wholly expected outcome of DEI. There's only so much you can lower standards and carry people. And Indian. Why?
  12. Pathetic. But not surprising. It's like the subprime mortgages. You give unqualified people something, you shouldn't be surprised when they fail.
  13. Almost everyone is calling for him to step down now. It's past the point of being able to hide his senility anymore. The problem is that they'd have to replace him with Harris and that's certain defeat.
  14. Is this any surprise? They've been saying black people are too stupid and/or poor and/or lazy to get picture ID. And that some don't know what a computer is.
  15. And Biden won't use gross exaggerations and anecdotal nonsense?
  16. Local law enforcement estimated there were 8-10K. It not 25K but it's still large.
  17. Possibly. But not nearly as embarrassing as the crowds Biden is drawing.
  18. It's $79.89 with coupon code KEON.
  19. Upset? LOL, no. I laughed when I heard him tell that lie over and over. I knew he had no chance of doing it.
  20. It's interesting that they're trying to call it "birth control," i.e. conflate it with condoms and the pill. But what else is new?
  21. No need. The time stamp is right there on the photo: 11:09 (AM obviously, since it's still light out). They know how to manipulate their simpleton followers.
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