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Everything posted by Doc

  1. LOL! Liz Cheney having the balls to say something on Memorial Day.
  2. The left rioted for months and demanded we defund the police after Goerge Floyd with long-lasting terrible remifications. After Laken Riley was killed by an illegal...nothing.
  3. They need to be sent something a lot stronger than beer...
  4. The majority of Dems don't want Joe to run again and definitely don't want Kamala as President. Yet they'll still vote for him. Because it's not a cult...
  5. Do you think that you'd learn that Trump/someone from his team told people to break into the Capitol? Because without that, it would just have been a mob around the Capitol.
  6. LOL! The majority of Dems think Biden is too old to be President and don't want Kamala anywhere near the Presidency...but you'll all still vote for them because of their policies.
  7. Yup, I know that already. We just disagree on who is worse.
  8. If he got hurt playing not grown man football...
  9. The guys who are gone weren't enough to get us over the hump. And it's not a reboot, it's a reload. The Bills are the class of the AFC East until proven otherwise. McD will definitely play rookies. But as I said before though, they cut Morse and traded Bates with the idea of having McGovern playing C, which he is geeked over. It will take a lot for them to change their minds. I hope VPG can do it.
  10. I voted for Barry the first time and then realized my mistake in his first year and became an Independent. That's 7 years before Trump became the Repub nominee. So no, MAGA has in no way set my mind.
  11. He probably hates his parents. So no surprise he wouldn't remember her death year.
  12. So...I don't know who Chris Rufo is, but I should and he still told me what to think about DEI even though I don't know who he is. Brilliant. And yes, that is what DEI is. Everyone has equality of opportunity. The problem is that many don't take advantage of it and instead demand equity of outcomes.
  13. Fair enough. I just don't believe that they are relying on any rookies, with the possible exception of Coleman, but do believe that probably 2 will start.
  14. And if Biden wins, the country will continue to go down the toilet. What choices we have!
  15. I don't care if anyone believes I'm an Independent. Again, as an atheist, I don't consider myself a Republican.
  16. They cut Morse and traded Bates before the draft so that tells me they feel that McGovern is ready to step in at C and Edwards is ready to step in at LG. If VPG can win the starting job and put McGovern back at LG and Edwards as a backup, so much the better. I just want a true competition for the LG and C spots. As for the safeties, Hyde and Poyer were getting long in the tooth and their best days are behind them. The Bills know DBs so I'm not overly concerned. Again if Bishop wins a starting job, so much the better. Now at WR there's some concern. I like Samuel replacing Davis but replacing Diggs will be tough. Although it seems like they'll be going with the philosophy of spreading the ball around.
  17. I have no idea who Chris Rufo is. I do know that Dems have been lowering standards in the name of "equity" and this was the predictable result. Again there is only so much you can carry someone/make special provisions for them. And if 50% of these UCLA med students can't pass their boards and thus practice, we've screwed the medical profession for decades. I'm all for equality. Everyone should have the chance. That doesn't mean unqualified people should be propped-up.
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