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Everything posted by Doc

  1. It was cloudy unfortunately. Good thing I didn't spend money on lodging (my mom still lives there).
  2. I had to wait to charge my Tesla in Rochester at Eastview Mall during the eclipse. Never had to do that before.
  3. But hey, as a feather in Biden's cap, he hasn't resigned yet...
  4. How to know you're dealing with children. It's from "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective." I hated Marino as well but I agree with LeviF that he was one of the best pure passers in NFL history. That's undeniable.
  5. They're putting it on their credit cards. Credit card debt is over $1.1T (that's trillion) now.
  6. Anyone remember Enzyte? Smiling Bob (with the ugly wife)?
  7. I agree. Davis at 5'8" 220# versus 5'11" and 190# would seem to have more punch to him, however, as starting RB.
  8. I think that's his role initially since Cook has been here longer and had a good 2nd season. I thought it would be tough for him to unseat Cook as a rookie, but possibly going forward since Cook will be in his 4th and possibly last year with the Bills next year.
  9. If Davis is as good as many as saying he could be, he could be a starter and relegate Cook to a 3rd down role.
  10. I just don't get the "grown man football" comment/jab. I could see if the Bills sucked, but they didn't. And not qualifying that statement with a "like I did last year" is taking a(n unnecessary) jab at the Bills.
  11. And if he charged the ghostwriter (and he should have, so huge "mistake" right there) and the ghostwriter admitted and/or provided tapes showing that a) Biden knew he had classified material and b) showed it to him, what then? I mean we all know why the ghostwriter destroyed the tapes after Hur started his investigation, right? Or is that something you need to have proven to you beyond a reasonable doubt?
  12. They're preparing the excuses for Joe losing.
  13. Yes the guy who has a Jewish daughter, SIL and grandkids is a Nazi. Mental gymnastics and illness indeed.
  14. To me the matter is about willfully possessing classified material and what is done with it. I have no doubt Biden knew he had it again, ostensibly so he could remember key facts for his $8M memoir. I'm sure that if the ghostwriter's feet had been held to the fire, he would have corroborated these facts. No threat to national security appears to have occurred. Move on. Trump obviously knew he had it and refused to give it back because he felt he was entitled to it and/or wanted to remember key facts for his memoir (which seems to be the reason most of these people are taking/keeping classified material). The NARA raided his residence and got it back. No threat to national security appears to have occurred. Drop it and tighten up the ship going forward.
  15. That sounds like what Hilly said when she ignored the "flyover states" back before the 2016 election...
  16. If you can't figure it out yourself, the above is pretty funny coming from the likes of you.
  17. Hur said he had evidence Biden willfully possessed classified material and that he showed some of it to his ghostwriter. Anyone with any intellectual honesty knows the former is wholly believable given where it was stored and that the ghostwriter destroying interviews he did with Biden after Hur started his investigation would have revealed the latter. Yet Hur didn't threaten the ghostwriter with obstruction of justice. So yeah, he got stuff wrong. And the "well, I can recommend charging him because I can't be certain he'll be convicted" is also wrong and dumb.
  18. Would Joe even dare to show up there? Then again, Libertarians do sound more like his base...
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