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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Biden supposedly did the opposite of what Trump did and had vaccines and treatments not available under Trump. Yet had more deaths than Trump.
  2. Since when does “mostly concerned” mean 55%? It doesn’t, in law, medicine or anywhere. So you taking me to task for “making up numbers” is just silly. Shocker.
  3. You mean like the first time? When every lib was saying he would start World War III? But didn’t?
  4. There was little outrage. It was actually more (sad) funny than anything else.
  5. That's not what Hope Hicks said. And again, she's the only witness for the prosecution that has any credibility.
  6. "Was mostly concerned" (about Melania) would be far greater than 55%. Probably closer to 90%. So that's reasonable doubt right there.
  7. The prosecution's only credible witness, Hope Hicks, said that Trump was mostly concerned with how it would look to Melania and not the campaign. That's reasonable doubt.
  8. You mean become a dictator, destroy democracy and refuse to leave, like he did the first time? Must be Israel's fault...
  9. Good luck with that one Jimbo.
  10. Yeah I was surprised to hear that EVs are worse for the environment because of the tires needing to be changed so often. It's just my experience but I know a lot of people who have 21" tires and those things are flimsy as hell.
  11. Cohen has no credibility and they didn't even come close to proving intent.
  12. Personally, I hate that he got injured. But that’s just me.
  13. Remember when Trump said "they're not sending their best" and the left freaked out?
  14. I've had my Tesla for almost 7 years now. I drive about 11,500 miles a year. I've only had to change my tires once, about a year and a half ago, and that was because of a puncture in the tire.
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