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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Too little, too late. Just proving Trump's policies were right and that Biden was responsible for reversing most of them.
  2. I want to say he was the first 300#+ OL to run a sub-5.0.
  3. "Repubs hate women and LGBTQ+! They need to be wiped-off the face of the Earth!" "Palestinians actually kill women and LGBTQ+." "***** your feelings!"
  4. Actually drafted punters aren't cheaper. The Cheaters took a punter in the 6th round last year and he's averaging $1M/year. Meanwhile Browning signed a deal averaging a little under $950K with the Bills, which he likely won't see because they're forced to stick with Martin. Sure it's not a huge difference, but a drafted punter costs a draft pick that could be used on a non-"meaningless" position. And we know what happened with the last punter the Bills drafted. He's now with the Chefs. Punting does matter even to good teams. Now with that said, I wouldn't be spending more than $2M/year ($3M is crazy) on a punter unless he could coffin corner most punts inside the 5.
  5. Teflon Tony duped a lot of allegedly intelligent people.
  6. True they’re typically the cheapest guy. But several SB teams have drafted them, like the Ravens, Bucs and Bills off the top my head.
  7. Which (again) will end up backfiring as $200M was raised in the wake of it.
  8. https://nypost.com/2024/06/02/opinion/nih-scientists-made-710m-in-royalties-from-drug-makers-a-fact-they-tried-to-hide/?utm_campaign=iphone_nyp&utm_source=pasteboard_app Shocker.
  9. Was home for the weekend from college so I went to my friend's house before heading back and he was watching the game. I wasn't so much a fan of watching sports at the time and they were losing big so I decided to head back to school. I got back and my roommates (a Giants fan and a Packers fan) congratulated me on the win. I thought there was no way they could have won, but sure enough they did. And that and the rest of the season turned me into a big sports fan.
  10. Did he eat paint chips as a child?
  11. If punting didn't matter, teams would just go with the cheapest guy every year, i.e. CFAs, much less not bother drafting them. As for not being with the team long, I didn't realize his 2024 salary guaranteed in March. See above. We better hope his 34-1/2 year old leg holds up.
  12. Martin is still on the team. For now.
  13. Their election denial, antisemitism and election interference is perfectly fine…
  14. He said that he would retire after this contract is up. Curious to see if he sticks to that.
  15. Yes, and I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn express last night.
  16. Wasn’t he claiming he was ready to return by the end of last season? Doesn’t seem like a good sign that he’s still limping now.
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