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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Yup. Basically admitting he screwed it all up and had the power to do something to fix it all along. Not that this will help a whole lot.
  2. I don’t recall the play. Got a link? Will be? He probably already is. Didn’t he set the Bills single season record for yards by a tight end? As a rookie.
  3. Black, navy, smoke and red have all sizes available. If you need it to be yellow, buy a can of spray paint for $10. Total is less than $90.
  4. Trump didn't prevent nor discourage any MAGA nutters from getting the vaccine in 2020. Or anytime else for that matter. He was instrumental in them getting out as quickly as they did, which you even acknowledged. And yes, everyone knew about that tweet from 2014. LOL!
  5. Why? It was a safe drug that hundreds of millions of people had used since its creation 70 years earlier. What was the downside? There wasn't a single other treatment available, there was empirical evidence it worked and time was of the essence. Why did imbeciles from your side of the aisle lie about it being dangerous? Did you stop to ask yourself that question?
  6. Yes because we had all the time in the world to wait and see if this safe drug would work. But sure, we were able to rush through the vaccines...
  7. So wait, you're still saying it didn't come from the lab?
  8. At least it was an attempt to try and fight a disease with no known treatment at the time, moron. Meanwhile idiots like you bought the "it's so dangerous, we can't use it" and "Trump made it up because he once owned stock in it" lines from people who didn't want it to be used and possibly work.
  9. Remember back when Barry said Russia wasn't a geopolitical threat? And then just 2 years later...
  10. LOL! There was never any "mystical knowledge" needed. Just common sense. If a virus breaks out in a city that has a lab studying it (and as most of us knew from the beginning, being engineered in it)...it's from the lab until proven otherwise. And so far nothing has proven otherwise ("show me the data" indeed). You guys just had to deny it because Trump said it was from the lab. That's the most unsciencey thing ever.
  11. Them supporting Palestinians is probably the biggest self-own I've ever seen.
  12. Yes, the guy who has a Jewish daughter, son-in-law and grandkids will bring an American Reich. Meanwhile the Dem party is filled with people chanting "from the river to the sea."
  13. People care about the WNBA now like they cared about it when Britney Griner got imprisoned in Russia.
  14. You mean like Biden allegedly did in 2021...only to have as many deaths as Trump despite vaccines, treatments and a greater understanding of Wuhan virus?
  15. You're so dumb you swallowed the load they fed you like a good little stooge. You were denying that it came from a lab claiming "that's not how it works." LOL!
  16. Wait, why didn't Trump incentivize Putin to meddle in 2020?
  17. And that will become clear(er) during the debates.
  18. As Biden proved after taking over, it wouldn't have mattered. Probably would have been even more deaths under Hilly.
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