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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Yup. And if the FBI can't determine if a laptop has been tampered with (hint: they can)...
  2. "We don't like the contents of the laptop so it must have been tampered with even though there is zero evidence of it" is a winning strategy.
  3. SO MUCH SPINNING That also means they can't verify the contents were tampered with.
  4. Any way to bring charges in a deep red district? Jerry-rig some justification like the Dems did and, say, contend that "election denial affects every part of the country"?
  5. Hilly may have done all of what you say (except the politicization thing, which is silly even for you)...and it still wouldn't have made a damn bit of difference.
  6. So these 51 former intelligence officials didn't believe the FBI? I thought that was just a MAGA thing?
  7. That's right. HCQ suddenly became dangerous when Trump mentioned it. Amazing how this drug that's been used for 70+ years and is in use my millions daily suddenly became dangerous. When are they going to pull it from the market? And you don't think the vaccines did "some damage" to kids who were vaccinated unnecessarily? Think that more clinical trials should have been done there before indiscriminately forcing everyone to get it?
  8. You'd be surprised how many "mainstream docs" prescribed HCQ during the early portion of the pandemic. Or used it themselves.
  9. A trade (post-June 1st) could easily be done. It's just $5M in dead money but more importantly a decent draft pick (the only reason to do it) and $2.66M in cap savings.
  10. So...searching for a solution to a non-existent problem?
  11. Yes we have better treatments now. I addressed that above. And sure, you shouldn't trust drugs you don't get from an American pharmacy/prescribed by a doctor. Again something that shouldn't need to be said. Congrats, you wrote something everyone already knew.
  12. LOL! You'd expect a doctor to know what "safe" means when talking about a drug. They all have side effects and many require some sort of surveillance. And the article you linked it talking about chronic usage (meaning people are on it for years...and not dying 😱) of it. Yeah there was a limited supply. So people on it chronically would have been impacted because a pandemic was killing people and there was no other treatment. And true, you don't prescribe it for everyone. That's true for every drug ever made. No the excuse was that it was a drug with decades of being used by hundreds of millions of people safely and we didn't have time to do clinical trials. It would have been a stop-gap until the vaccines and other treatments were available, later in the year. Had it been a completely new drug whose safety was unknown, yes I would agree with you that you don't just give it to people.
  13. How it that a "downside" when it was a safe drug and there was nothing else to treat Wuhan virus with, moron?
  14. The point you continually miss...is that the vaccines came out at the end of Trump's Presidency, therefore a) no one was fully vaccinated and b) there was no vaccine to discourage. Did you think that if Hilly had been President in 2020 that she would have magically pulled a vaccine out of her ass right from the start? Much less gotten everyone to take it? LOL! With their credit cards.
  15. Lying liars gonna lie...
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