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Everything posted by Doc

  1. That's why it's laughable when they make that claim. They're hoping the low-information voters will believe it.
  2. No one serious believes it was hacked. If it had been, say, Beau (when he was alive), maybe. But it's what they have to do to keep thinking their guys are so squeaky clean.
  3. You'd think an alleged cardiologist would have seen some senile people in his time.
  4. You mean the rights to kill your unborn baby? If that's what Dems, and women particularly, are mostly worried about, we're more ***** than anyone imagined.
  5. It's what they (have to) do. Because they've lost the "racism!" angle.
  6. If a Kimmel reads a tweet and no one is watching...
  7. Burning the flag? Pshaw! It's only bad when you fly it upside down...
  8. Wait, wasn't it the T and not LGB (who are trying to distance themselves from the Ts) that got people to switch from Bud Light?
  9. Sherfield, McKenzie and Roberts are nobodies as WRs. No one is saying Josh can make any receiver good. I no more expected him to make them into productive WRs than I'm expecting him to do that with guys like Hamler or Isabella. As for Claypool, I'd say the only if is motivation. This is his last chance in the NFL after a successful start to his career but then seemingly getting too big of an ego too fast. And sure he'll have to show something in camp and preseason, but looking at the roster, I'm not sure he'll have to "shine" per se. I see them keeping 6 WRs but only see 3 locks: Coleman, Shakir and Samuel. Hollins is talked about as a locker room asset, but his ability is more PS, from where he can still influence the team. The only other guys to have shown anything in the NFL on the roster are him and MVS. Someone else is going to have to shine to make the roster.
  10. It was. Either he's lying/being disingenuous or was truly ignorant of that fact.
  11. I wish someone like, say, Lebron James would say something, anything, about how coming from a single-mother household was incredibly hard and that getting married and raising kids with his wife was the best thing he did/for them.
  12. Josh will be the best QB either Samuel or Claypool have ever played with and both eclipsed 850 yards at points in their careers, compared to Sherfield whose best season was 417 yards. If Claypool can be motivated (and at this stage of his career he has every reason to be) he can be a big boost to the offense while Samuel's speed has been sorely lacking. Shakir will see a bigger role and Kincaid should continue building on his strong rookie season. Then you add-in Cook, Davis (who is supposed to be an excellent receiver) and don't forget Knox. Anyone outside of them producing will be gravy.
  13. A nurse at work came up to me the other day and out-of-the-blue said that she, her husband and a friend donated to him for the first time. She's not anything close to what the Dems perceive of being a "MAGAt."
  14. The POC/judicial injustice angle is an interesting one. And possibly another horrible miscalculation.
  15. Yup. But if they had no evidence, they had no business signing onto a letter that influenced the election.
  16. Who cares? He is and will be a SCJ until he dies/decides to retire.
  17. When he had to appease his base. And then he suddenly found it again when the polls started to turn. Oh wait, that was a rhetorical question, wasn't it?
  18. LMAO! The biggest psyop of all was Russian collusion.
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