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Everything posted by Doc

  1. It's truly stunning that Dems are now claiming that there's no waste and fraud in the Government. But not surprising.
  2. Good to see Germany learned their lesson...
  3. In what way? Someone's going to take him out? He dies of natural causes? Trump gets sick of the "President Musk" thing?
  4. Come on, that's not as important as favorability...
  5. And probably 200M of those 334M aren't on and/or eligible for SS.
  6. It's like black-on-black crime to them.
  7. They don't want to acknowledge the lab leak because of all the unsavory things it means for Fauci.
  8. This from some from the party that allowed antisemites to prevent the most qualified VP from being chosen because he was Jewish. No one's buying this anymore.
  9. Your party went weird and the people rejected them.
  10. As they load up on anxiolytics, weed and alcohol (and probably narcotics) to help them live long and prosper...
  11. Why do you think that free elections are a thing of the past in the US? Do you think Trump is going to use the military to take over the country?
  12. "Germany had free speech (only for Germans) and Republicans want free speech (for everyone) so therefore..." What an idiot.
  13. Meanwhile the world looks at Canada, pats them on the head and says "aw, that's cute." And I thought you were a smarter poster than to fall for that "president for life" bull####.
  14. Good and good luck to them. Hopefully other European nations join in.
  15. Right sparky. If you were worth anything I might actually care...
  16. And then there was price fixing. A truly awful idea.
  17. Get new focus groups. Yeesh.
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