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Everything posted by kbuckley9091

  1. Dang, I almost forgot about Ashlee Palmer! I really like him also, big, fast, and hits HARD. But we all know Dick would not put one, let alone TWO rookies (Palmer and Harris) into the lineup....would he?!! I'm still surprised we saw as much Maybin and J. Byrd as we did...
  2. They're going with Buggs for now, but they are discussing other options. I like this, Ellison seems smart enough to play the middle. I know he's a whipping boy for Bills fan, but I think he's been pretty good this year. He's already had a couple huge 4th down stops in the pre-season and Pats game. Of course, the main reason I like this, is getting Harris on the field! I know he's gonna make rookie mistakes, but the dude is a freakin beast! I watched him allot in college, and he is a HARD-Hitting playmaker. Your thoughts...
  3. I flashbacked to the Dallas game immediately...I knew it was over THe only thing that will make me feel better is a BLOWOUT against the Bucs, if we go out there and barely win or God forbid...lose the game, it's gonna get really dark in Bills land....
  4. Watch 2 hours of NFL countdown... Start to get a minor headache from the nervous energy... By halftime, full blown headache and sore throat, chest starting to hurt End of game, depression, exhaustion, heart actually physically hurts, crying Hours after the game, ignore the losing culture, look for positives, repeat cycle for next week...
  5. They were bad in the pre-season also, this is starting to concern me...
  6. I agree, I live in Dallas and everybody is laughing at T.O. cause he only had 2 catches, they just don't get it. I don't EVER remember seeing the middle of the field that OPEN due to the coverage being rolled for T.O. !! Maybe the cowboys didn't need him, but we sure as hell do. My only complaint, is I would have liked them to try him a little more on the slants, but maybe that will come...
  7. I noticed T.O. blocking a few times very effectively, very nice!! I just hope he can be satisfied not getting his huge numbers and helping THE TEAM. I know he only had 2 catches, but man did he OPEN UP THE FIELD or what? Just his prescence alone made a huge difference!
  8. I'm with ya! I feel waaaaaaay better about this team now than I did before the Pats game....I actually have hope again. Dare I say we finish......7-9 ;-) UNLESS, this new ATHLETIC and FAST O-line gels quickly....then I say 9-7 and a WILDCARD!! WOOT!! GO BILLS!
  9. When Jackson scored my 12 year old son who weighs about 120lbs jumped into my arms and I carried him around the living room hootin and hollerin like we just won the Superbowl!! Looking back at it now I can't help but smile...I shoulda known the Bills would break my heart again....
  10. BUMP!! I actually got goose-bumps watching this! Big, Fast, Athletic lineman pulling and crushing people. I'm still crushed that we lost in another painful collapse, but dammit...we may just have a great O-line in the making!!!!!
  11. Amen brutha! I'm with ya!! Feel way better about the season today than I did 24 hours ago!!!!
  12. YES PLEASE! They need to get Harris on the field period! This guy is a hitter!!!
  13. I agree, It was STRANGE seeing big fast athletic lineman pulling and running out on those screens...I LIKEY!!!!
  14. You have to throw deep to STOP them from blitzing...I think we've seen what happens when we don't throw deep...we get our butts kicked...short zones and 8 in the da box...burn em deep and they'll back their asses off....guarantee it....keep both TE's in if you have to, max protect and throw deep to Lee and T.O.
  15. Wow!! That sucks for da Bears....ouch....
  16. Man, I hope you're right!! It's soooooo overdue!!
  17. The main thing is attack those bastards! I HATED the way we went into foxborough last year, played like a bunch of wussies with our tails tucked behind our legs! We were freaking 5-2 at the time and they had no Brady!! I blame that mostly on Jauron and his conservative BS! That's what (I hope) is great about him being on the Hot-Seat, he now is almost being FORCED to attack or he's gone! Of course, all he's done so far is TALK about attacking, let's see if he actually does it...I don't mind them losing if they at least play aggresive...That's how they almost beat them in Jauron's debut as Bills coach, ever since that game he's coached "not to lose" against the Pats.....
  18. That's the problem, he won't have 5 seconds, but Lee and T.O. are both fast enough that he can just drop back and launch a rainbow (maybe 3 seconds) and those guys can run under it. I just think Belicheat is gonna flood the short zones and put eight guys in the box because Trent has become captain checkdown. Hell, it doesn't even have to be a bomb, even a deep seam route to the TE Nelson would be great....I do see you're point though, if Trent gets plastered early, it's over....
  19. I agree 100%!! There will be zero time to read the D, as I'm sure Belicheat will be blitzing his ass off... God please let AVP be smart enough to call this! I'm really curious to see if the problem was really Turk or just Trent being afraid to take the risk, no more excuses for Trent....put up or shut up time for him...
  20. All depends on how this green offensive line looks tonight, if they perform reasonably well...I say 3-2 is possible, if they look like the train-wreck that everybody is predicting, I say 1-4 and Dick's out the door (or close to it).....
  21. This is vital to me...we have to loosen them up or we are dead. The key thing to me is, Trent needs to just drop back and let it fly deep to Owens or Lee. He cannot and will not have time to sit back there and read the D. This is what JP used to do with Lee Evans, just drop back and chunk it (mainly beacuse he COULDN'T read the D)...but it worked for allot of long bombs!! I hope Van Pelt calls the deep ball...we have to set the tone and BE AGGRESSIVE! Like Dicky said when he fired Turk! Your thoughts....
  22. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be wrong....but reality finally set in with me late last year that Dick Jauron will never be a winner and we are doomed until he leaves....again, I would LOVE to be wrong....
  23. We're gonna get killed.......
  24. If we beat the Pats for the first time in SIX YEARS, then we might get a little...until then...the critics ring true....
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