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Everything posted by kbuckley9091

  1. Actually, it is too early...but I'm in a bad mood. I think McKelvin will turn out pretty good. Hardy is pissing me off, playing like a girl....letting tiny DB's out-jump and out-fight him for the ball !! Come-On!!!! Ellis....haven't even noticed him on the field...nuff said......
  2. It would cure allot, and could really turn the season back around...BUT, I personally think they are gonna get destroyed!! God, I hope I'm wrong, but I have no confidence that they can go in there and beat them....and the Bills can't have much either....
  3. mckelvin-maybe, hardy-yes, ellis-yes.....
  4. This could be a massacre! You've got the BEST quick-short passing team agains the WORST team at defending it !! I have never had LESS confidence going into a game, than I do for this one. The place has already been a house of horrors for us & now we go in there with little confidence....
  5. Why did we stop attacking on D after the first couple of drives?? We were getting great pressure on Brett, then we went right back to that soft-ass zone that CAN'T stop the short passing game!!
  6. YES! The one bright spot from this game was Fine...I hope he becomes something good!
  7. No running game, no pass rush, no fight.....what happened? The weather is turning soon and we have NOTHING in the trenches...somebody talk me off the ledge....
  8. McKelvin is going to break one this year no doubt about it...He was really close on one during the Miami game, and he's had a few others during the season, where he's just needed one more block. He has been hesitant a bunhc of times as well, and he ends up just running into a pile. Dude has great top-end speed, not really quick...but he gets to that top-end speed really fast!!
  9. I wish! More like dyslexic! Sorry bout that......
  10. I'm confused, is Fowler hurt? Is Duke better? Is it a wash? Help please....
  11. You're probably right, though I'd rather have seen Spencer Williams #91 in there than McCargo....
  12. Yeah, but this was early in the game & he was lined up with Stroud...I don't remember how many plays, but seemed like he was in there quite a bit. The entire defensive/package-gameplan had me scratching my head. Though I have to admit, chad scott is impressing me at SS.
  13. Pretty much agree, McKelvin looked GREAT in pre-season returning kicks...what happened?? Hardy, I think...will come around, the dude has fantastic size, he just needs to get a mean streak..I agree with the timid statement. Corner looked really good in pre-season, as did Steve Johnson I thought. Too early still, but I'm concerned....
  14. What's wrong with his foot and what's the timeline for his return?? This guy was one of the biggest surprises of the year early on with his outstanding play. I've heard virtually nothing concerning his injury, and we REALLY need him back for our struggling secondary!!
  15. so much playing time against Miami? How do you go from being traded to playing even more than usual? Was something wrong with Kyle Williams? I saw allot of McCargo, especially early in the game...just wondering. Of course, he didn't make any plays as usual... :-(
  16. Totally agree, I refuse to get overly excited about this team UNTIL they beat the Patriots. That team has owned us for the last 7 years both physically and especially mentally! They must beat the Patsies, if this happens, in my opinion, the sky's the limit!!!
  17. Ouch, 7-2? Didn't know that....it's probably better this way. Bills have never thrived in the favorite role!
  18. I'm still holding out hope on youboty, that pick of McNabb in the last game was very impressive and showed off the talent that the dude has. This is for sure his make or break year though I think. It's too early to label him I think... I think McCargo could explode this year being lined up next to Stroud. I don't understand Triplett starting over him at end of year either. Unless they were trying to really evaluate Trip, to see if they were gonna keep him or not. Obviously he FAILED the evaluation!!!
  19. I agree, i noticed him making plays yesterday. I think he may be a steal. On a strange side note...I thought he was a white dude, but he's light-skinned black guy. Did he where a dark visor before?
  20. Dude that is freakn hilarious!! I had a grandmother, rest her soul, that was exactly the same way. She'd start bitchin after the first play!! But God, did she love the Bills!!
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