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UDFA (2/8)



  1. Does any other team still run the wildcat other than the Bills or Jets??? C'mon, line up, straight ahead, nuff of this tomfoolery
  2. 31 sec and 3 TO's for Brady is like forever
  3. Yeah, it's working real well.
  4. Complete lack of leadership by Chan. Would a good coach not demand a conferece with the official after thar BS pass interference. He looks lost and he is lost.
  5. Mario blocked 1 on 1 almost all day
  6. They can't cover a fat girl
  7. Most undisclipined bunch of morons in the NFL
  8. Need a big day from our running game and run D!
  9. His accuracy on less than 25 yards (through 2011) is over 62%. He is under 57% on same distance throws this year, over 5 point difference.
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