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Everything posted by LongLiveRalph

  1. They cut in to Sportscenter with Tirico, Mort, and Tom Jackson doing a quick preview of the AFC and NFC East divisions. They talked only about two teams in each division...It was the Cowboys and Eagles in the NFC, and obviously the Pats in the AFC, and....The team that battled injuries and finished in 2nd place last year? Nope, it was none other that the NY Jets...The team that overpaid for a bunch of average free agents, still do not have a QB, or any dangerous players at RB or WR. I'm not trying to create a "Media hates the Bills" rant...I understand that a NY team has more of a national following than a Buffalo team. And they also didn't mention the defending champ NYG in their quick overview, so it's not a big deal. I just found it comical that they obviously named the Patriots as the favorite, as they should, and then discussed the Jets like they were the #1 contender. They conveniently neglected to mention that just last December, the Jets were 1-POINT UNDERDOGS against an 0-12 Miami team.
  2. Is this a Colbert Report poll? George W. Bush- GREAT PRESIDENT? -or- GREATEST PRESIDENT?
  3. The attack on the photog doesn't shine well on them...But if you are playing the "Get a job hippie" card on the surfers and comparing them to the papparazzi, you are way off base...I'm sure these dudes could care less about which celeb is wearing what, and they certainly aren't spending 16 hours a day making somebody else's life miserable.
  4. McConaughy shirtless on the beach would be a rare photo indeed... I'd like to tell these jerkoff photogs to get a life, but they are only supplying what people want to see and are willing to pay for...The jerkoffs buying the celeb magazines and visiting the gossip websites are the ones who need to get a life...As soon as the interest goes away, the photogs go away.
  5. Miami has some incredibly beautiful areas. And some incredibly schitty areas. See also: Anytown, USA LA has the Promenade in Santa Monica and Beverly Hills and Rodeo Dr. They also have Watts and Crenshaw. Have you ever walked 3 blocks from the LA Coliseum? Washington, DC has the mall and the monuments, which are gorgeous. Last time I was there, this past April, I also walked right past a bum squatting and taking a shiit on the sidewalk. There are LARGE sections of Buffalo where $5000 could buy you ANY house you wanted. I find it hard to believe that a 70,000 seat stadium and a thoroughbred racetrack weren't allocated oceanfront land in the best part of town.
  6. "The airline employees, the stewardess, everyone saying, 'Get on the plane, get on the plane.' 'Fuuckk You, I'm getting IN the plane!! Less wind in there!' " RIP George
  7. Yes...Well said, that's what I was trying to say but wasn't very clear...I see the 11 players Italy can put on the field at any time, and the success they have had individually at the club level, and yet they seem so stuck in this defensive mindset for the national team that they play a level below their potential...Almost scared, like you said. Also, in WC '06, they had Cannavaro playing out of his mind and locking down the defensive end, which probably allowed the midfielders a bit more freedom to go forward...
  8. I think they could've won too...They have talented players, but their (usual) approach to the game I don't agree with. The majority of the time I've seen him, Toni disappears for long stretches of the game. It's like he's in there solely for his height, and Italy will defend until they can maybe get a free kick, and hope to find Toni's head. Del Piero was subbed in for PK's, and then didn't even shoot (likely he was #5?) With the lack of action up top, I would've probably brought him in sooner...Why not? Pirlo is a smooth player, I like his game a lot and enjoy watching him... Is there a new rule about stopping play when a player is down? The ref stopped play twice today when Spain had the ball because Italian players were down. I was under the impression that unless it appeared to be a head injury, play on...Usually the opponent will play the ball out of bounds if they feel the injured player is legitimately hurt and needs a trainer...
  9. Thankfully! Spain is rewarded for actually playing to win, they advance on PK's... Casillas was a beast in goal during the shootout, saved two, and the two that went in were perfect shots that he was nearly all over...
  10. It's so freaking comical that people actually commend them for this type of play too...The nature of the sport of soccer already lends itself to 1-0 games, and yet Italy receives praise for the "tactics" required to sit back on defense, clog up the final third of the field, and hope to win on a dive in the box or PK's. Pirlo (suspended today) is a great player with serious class, and I realize Italy misses what he brings from the midfield and on set pieces. Still, Italy getting outplayed yet again in a major tournament and yet advancing by sitting back on defense and diving on offense is a death knell for fans of the sport who appreciate ambitious soccer.
  11. 0-0 Spain-Italy in the 60th minute...Italy halfway home to their typical tournament goal of sucking the life out of the game and then reaching PK's... "I want all 11 of you behind the ball on defense, and if we actually get into their penalty area, GET DOWN AND GRAB YOUR LEG!" -Every Italy coach since 1982
  12. Can't wait to see Italy's "knockout stage form"....They have to be excited, the game starts at 0-0 and a shootout is only 120 minutes away...
  13. Hahahahahaha! Is the BPD THAT idotic??? Why would Lynch speak with someone who is looking out for his best interests, rather than those trying to convict him??? What was he thinking!?!?!!
  14. Yes. This isn't some photo jockey hiding in a tree and filming the guy puffing a joint behind a bar, and then putting it on the Internet. These guys uploaded the video themselves. I am a friend of the grass and have burnt it down many times. I don't take any issue with the weed. It's the fact that you're not smart enough to be a little undercover about it, especially when you are a known athlete/public figure. Trouble will find you easy enough in this day and age. No need to create it for yourself.
  15. MOST times, definitely. Only takes one smart-ass remark, or catching a cop on a rough day, though. As we all know, the media saturation in the world right now will uncover ANY public figure's activity...It's just pointless to put this kind of stuff out there yourself...I laugh when people criticize players for hanging out with "thugs" even after they're pro...Hell, those are their friends! I would never expect somebody to dump their friends once they become successful...I am incredibly close with lifelong friends, some of whom are extremely flawed. You just wish some of these guys would be a little smarter and more discreet about it...
  16. I think there's a clip of Brad rapping about WGR and flashing his weed on youtube
  17. His buddy showed a little nugget up close to the camera...Maybe enough to pack a bowl...It wasn't exactly a scene from Scarface.... Still not too smart. If Johnson and his pal are in a car, and they get pulled over and the guy has it in his pocket, they can both get possession...
  18. No doubt...Loved Fat Pat even when he was a young backup...He was always making things happen...And he wanted to stay and loved WNY.
  19. In a specialized Nike knee brace and a chemically-designed Gatorade pain killer sports drink.
  20. I won't comment on the music, to each his own obviously. I'm not a huge fan. But Dave shows have mainly evolved into 17-year old kids getting drunk for the third time in their lives. I love going to concerts and fully understand the getting high/drunk/tailgating aspect. Trust me, I enjoy those aspects too. But the whole reason I'm there is to see a show. I'm not there to stand in a parking lot or on a grass hill and talk to friends and lay on a blanket. It can definitely be annoying when the music is clearly secondary to a lot of people. Personally, I would get drunk and high, go to a parking lot, and put on the CD. It'd at least save $40 on a ticket. I gotta admit, it's always funny to see "hippies" from Williamsville who drive home in dad's Land Rover.
  21. The media coverage certainly has a lot to do with it. Nothing is swept under the rug anymore. Additionally, the best players in the game- who have likely lived a pretty "pampered" life typical of the star athlete through high school and college- enter the professional ranks and are extremely rich before they ever set foot on the field. Money can change people, we've seen it a thousand times. In the old days, if you were cut, you were out of a job and you delivered FedEx because you needed income. Now, if you get cut, you are already a millionaire, and you go write a blog, film a reality show, and cut an album.
  22. I think they did that because there was a time Monday night when he was missing.
  23. The comparisons are a waste of time, but I can understand. People always want to crown the "best" or the "next" in every sport. Thank you for your official ruling on this matter. However, also understand that Kobe is 30 years old. Jordan was still winning Finals MVP at the age of 36. People seem to forget that Jordan had plenty of struggles before the Bulls got over the Pistons hump. The team defense of those Pistons teams took Jordan out of his rhythm much the same way the great Celtics D just did to Kobe. To think that Kobe is Michael Jordan (or LeBron or Wade or whomever else people want to compare to Jordan) is so stupid. But it's also pretty rediculous to assume that Kobe is finished. What if he wins four titles in the next six years? Is he better than Jordan then? Who decides that, and why does it matter? What if the Celtics do something the Bulls never did and win four in row? Is Pierce better than Jordan in that event?
  24. "I am such a good person, and defending some girl I don't know, whose picture I just saw, is my big chance to prove to a bunch of other people (whom I also don't know) just what a great person I am. I would NEVER belittle somebody like that, and neither would God or Tim Russert. You are all jerks who are trying to be funny, and I am embarrassed for you and for your parents. Your upbringing was clearly a failure and your life is a waste if judging somebody on the Internet is fun for you. Just because I am now judging you is irrelevant because I am better than you and I would never make fun of anyone." My goodness people, get over yourselves. A THREAD ON THE INTERNET IS NOT REALITY. It's an anonymous forum and OF COURSE there are going to be jokes and what not. I feel sorry for anyone who can't have a little chuckle at some of the funny ways the world works. I feel even more sorry for those of you who think TBD qualifies as human interaction and need to be the morality police 24/7. Thank you to all of you who defended this girl and posted things such as, "I will hold my head high and sleep well tonight knowing that I am a good person and I don't judge others. You are all azzholes." Those were the true jokes in this thread.
  25. The majority of my interaction with Ontario girls involves them wearing nothing and dancing seductively for money. Needless to say, I did not know girls like this existed in Canada. It is funny, but through all of this Lynch business, the whole time I was imagining a stripper-like girl as the victim. I liked it better that way.
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