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Everything posted by LongLiveRalph

  1. I eat both Mighty and T Bell. Chipotle and Qdoba blow both of those shiit holes out of the water.
  2. I did think UNC would win, and the Rutgers -6 vegas line was outlandish. But getting outcoached, outplayed, and OUTHUSTLED in your own stadium on national TV is pathetic. You lose 24-21, no biggie, solid try. That effort last night from Rutgers was poor. "Greatest Coach Ever" Schiano just had a team quit on him for a full half.
  3. That is unfathomable.
  4. 3/21/03 3/21/03 3/21/03 Another NASA image Never forget. Never forget that we are not alone in tragedy. And never forget that whether we are dishing out or receiving it, it's tragic nonetheless. NYC and DC were under attack by flying missiles because of those who disagreed with our leadership. Same reason in Baghdad. We are self-centered to believe that one is more tragic than another.
  5. Saying "IMO, it's worth a look" is not somebody saying it's true. The Dark Knight wasn't a true story, either. The LeBron James commercial was worth watching when he hit four straight fade away jumpers from 90 feet. Doesn't mean it's real. Give the dude a break.
  6. "You bwakin my baws, Hans Bwix!"
  7. Yep, looks that way. Pitt loses to Bowling Green, WVU puts up just 7 points in a blowout loss to ECU, and Rutgers gets embarrassed on national TV at home...Plus Cuse likely a bottom-5 team in all of Division I...They really need USF to show up tonight. Midnight Madness can't come soon enough!
  8. Exactly. There's a reason McCain's campaign manager said this, and uses this as his overall strategy for winning: Rick Davis, campaign manager for John McCain's presidential bid, insisted that the presidential race will be decided more over personalities than issues during an interview with Post editors this morning. "This election is not about issues," said Davis. "This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates." Sweet. Who needs debates and ideas and strategies when we can have a tabloid circus focused on lapel pins and 6-second sound bites?
  9. I really thought the ACC had a chance to be the shittiest conference. But it looks like the Big Least wants to claim what's theirs.
  10. Agreed on this one...Happens all the time for QBs not named Roethlisberger. And actually, JP had a better game 1 than Ryan did- LOSMAN vs. Hou: 17-28, 170 yds, 1 TD (to Peters!) and 6 rushes for 31 yds RYAN vs. Det: 9-13, 161 yds, 1 TD and 5 rushes for -2 yds Of course, Ryan didn't have to throw too much...The Falcons got up 21-0 in the 1st quarter and gashed the Lions for 318 yds on the ground. Of Atlanta's 23 first downs, 17 (!!!) were by rushing, 5 by passing, 1 by penalty....Plus THREE rushing TDs!! Jeez Lions, D up!!!!
  11. exactly. So many strategists get bounced with the best three teams still in their pocket. It's a survivor pool. Survive and move on. There's 32 teams and only 17 weeks, so from the start, you don't have to use 15 teams. If you get to the point where you're deciding between tough "so-so" games, well that means you've probably survived for a while and it's a good problem to have. I've been playing in these things for a while, I won once in '05 when the Steelers won the Bowl, took home about $4600. Usually I'm bounced out well before Thanksgiving. I was Philly last week and thinking G-men or Pit this week. I want to make sure Big Ben practices okay.
  12. Bulgaria has a national team pool of 37 players. How many dress for a hockey game, about 20? So how bad are those other 17 who didn't even dress?? I would've sent out the Maguire-Hartman-Ray line to settle some scores.
  13. I'm not saying that was your aim either. It was just a pretty funny list you compiled there. Pretty much every black starting QB from the last five years. Calling Leftwich and Russell "phenomenal athletes" is pretty funny too, when there are plenty of bust white boys like Crouch or Alex Smith or JP LOSMAN who used their athleticism in college but couldn't quite cut it in the pros... I didn't imply you were racist...Your post did.
  14. In Foxboro, no less. And people seem to fail to mention that Brady wasn't the only starting QB to go down in that game. The Chiefs mounted their comeback with THEIR backup, who had two passes knocked away in the end zone in the final minute.
  15. I think the conventions have always been a time to pander to your party's base and try to get people excited. It seems both parties were successful from that standpoint, as far as generating "buzz" goes. Now is the time for voters to listen, compare and contrast, and decide who is the most presidential. Hopefully the issues you mentioned will be explored in more detail than just generic rhetoric, especially in the debates.
  16. I missed this part. The Seahawks had 11 rushing yards in the 1st half, with no run longer than 5 yards. When the game was still in the balance, the Seahawks always seemed to be in 3rd & 8. They punted a franchise-record 11 times. Getting gashed up the middle from the opening whistle and losing the time of possession and field position battles (and probably the game) is one thing. Giving up a few bursts when you're winning by 24 is not a major cause for concern, IMO. Especially when you consider the way the D-Line was in Hasselbeck's face disrupting the passing game all day...Once they got the lead, they likely were licking their chops a bit and anticipating pass, leaving themselves susceptable to the draw play. FWIW, it seemed that Poz wasn't as active as he was in his short stint last year, which was somewhat surprising.
  17. Players are bigger and faster than ever before. The average NFL career has held steady at just under 4 years for quite some time. The fact is, it's a violent game, players will get hurt, and that is why (for the most part) teams are immediately searching for your replacement the day they sign you.
  18. Thats true. To that effect, most states are already predetermined to go to each candidate. There are a few "battleground" states where each vote is crucial, and frankly, you have to wonder what personal criteria each undecided voter is using to make their choice. Are they influenced by a 2-second soundbite or a candidate not wearing a lapel pin? It's quite possible that those people are literally deciding who will be the next President. Identifying oneself with a political party is, to me, a rediculous practice to begin with and leads to making a blind choice based on affiliation and a one-way loyalty to something that is utter nonsense. I'm not sure if there is a need for people to define themselves, or identify themselves with a group as validation?? I can't say I understand it. A party that trademarks itself as "pro-business" or "pro-military" or "pro-human rights" is laughable. There is not ANY candidate who is NOT pro-business, or pro-military, or pro-human rights. A party that preaches smaller government ends up increasing beauracracy and government intervention. The fundamental differences that perhaps used to exist have dissolved into, basically, the same jackasses in a different suits on different sides of an aisle.
  19. Amen! Finally some common sense! The dweebs that get hot and bothered about this stuff and can't bear to expose their children to a pro football game are the parents of the kid who finally gets out of the house at college and starts smashing windows and becomes a general delinquent. You can't shelter from real life. I saw fights and drunks and heard the F-word at Bills games from the age of 6 until now. I am not a fighter, a drunk, a criminal, or scarred for life. I was in the middle of a scuffle in the upper deck as an 11-year old at the Bills-Dolphins 1990 playoff game. I have had drunks puke in the aisle right next to me. I'm not saying those were enjoyable experiences, but I will say they created "atmosphere." It's part of going to a game, and I love going to games. Always have, always will.
  20. I think, more often than not, people will use these one-liners to reinforce how stupid the other candidate is and reinforce why their candidate is the "correct" choice. But I do not underestimate the general lack of knowledge of the American people on the true issues. I think the VAST MAJORITY of the people have a very limited understanding of each candidate's ideas and goals, and are greatly influenced by the trash spewed by cable channels trying to fill 24 hours of programming. Lets face it, when candidates are speaking 6-7 days a week for 8 hours a day, there's going to be plenty of opportunity for a less-than-eloquent moment. It's comical that 10 seconds of an 8-hour speech is what gets focused on.
  21. NFL's greatest executive Scott Pioli
  22. I'm horrified people actually consider these things when deciding who to vote for. And if speaking gaffes are such an issue, how did W get elected AND re-elected?? In the midst of the 24hour news culture, where every word, outfit, and blink of the eyes is scrutintized and debated, I wonder why anyone would get involved in national politics. It's a joke, and elections are decided by irrelevant "US Weekly" factors, rather than ideas and issues. You can probably have a larger positive impact on people's lives as a small-town mayor or unelected community organizer- BOTH of which are GOOD things by the way, regardless of what the campaigns want you to believe.
  23. Is this Jamarcus Russell you are throwing in with that group? You already know that he's a bust? He was FAR from the most athletic player on the field during his time at LSU. He was not a runner. He was a pocket passer with a cannon arm, who completed over 70% of his passes in the toughest conference in the NCAA. I'd give the guy more than single-digit starts before I start casting him aside. He DOES play for the Raiders....I'm not sure Peyton Manning wins 6 games there. As for Culpepper, tough to lump him in with that group too...He quarterbacked one of the most prolific offenses of all-time (although we've seen what a motivated Randy Moss can do for statistics on offense.) Up until his devastating knee injury, he produced. And with Vick, say what you want about his passing, his attitude, his off-the-field endeavors, his criminal record, his inability to be a team leader, etc. All of those things are valid arguments, and a major reason why Vick's career will likely go down as more hype than substance. However, the Falcons' record from 2001-2006 in games that Vick started was 38-28-1 (plus 2-2 in the playoffs,) while games that Vick didn't play they were 9-20. It's hard to look at that and say they were "winning despite him." With regard to your argument, as dynamic as Vick was, I do think he held the Falcons back a bit. He just didn't seem like a guy the team rallied around. I think Vince Young is pretty comparable to him (on the field only!) but not so much with Culpepper (and Russell we just don't know about yet.) Its also interesting that only black QB's can be "phenomenal college athletes." I wasn't aware of that. Leftwich was a phenomenal athlete? Huh? Why include him in that group and not someone like Eric Crouch?
  24. Obviously it is all rumors at this point... Either way, it sounds like the important people in Vince's life, his family and his team, are extremely concerned. Hopefully that's step 1 in him getting treatment, if the medical professionals decide that is the way to go (and if he is open to it.) Depression is legit and much more serious than any ligament injury would ever be. Like Tom said, there is a culture of perception, both to the illness and the treatment, that sheds a stigma of weakness in a testosterone-filled workplace like an NFL locker room. Hopefully Vince is just bumming out about his leg injury, as would be normal for any pro athlete. Perhaps a combination of the leg injury and a bruised ego? The Tennessee fans were giving Vince an earful, but what can you say? My father was in Yankee Stadium and heard Mickey Mantle get booed. It happens all the time, and no one is immune. He can't let that get him down. If he's disappointed in himself, we all understand that, and I think we'd all agree it would be normal if he WASN'T. If it's more than that, hopefully the medical pros diagnose it and Vince is receptive to treatment.
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