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Everything posted by cromagnum
Suspect arrested in JonBenet Ramsey case!
cromagnum replied to Oneonta Buffalo Fan's topic in Off the Wall Archives
HE would he harp on my grammar and his superior education at rutgers? or whatever higher education college he purchased his degree....I will have to google mothra I fail to remember that on creature double feature, if thats where mothra fought godzilla ....Watched a quick clip, still don't remember, damn burnt noodle -
That was informative, I am definitly going to read alot more about WW II.. Thank you for posting the link.
I kinda enjoyed reading the history exchange, now I have to read about the bombing of dresden to know what industrial and military sites and economy they had at that time, I'm sure I watched it on the history channel and the military channel and pbs...But this is like watching cnn and foxnews, you still don't know the truth untill you research it thouroughly or at least semi research it..Ctm is usually pretty acurate with military history, kurt, this is the first time I have read your post on ppp, so no disrepect, I will check it on independent history and military sites, appears to be a good read that I will be entering. and learning further......
Suspect arrested in JonBenet Ramsey case!
cromagnum replied to Oneonta Buffalo Fan's topic in Off the Wall Archives
Did you read the post I replied to? where I was informed to learn a new trade in the military killing people.... Oh thats right you've got friends that install carpet so you know what the facts are ...My post basically are about the removal of a cyst and if anyone knows about the procedure and cost, or a way for a person with a limited budget to recieve this surgery, I have just been counter shooting shots across bows and have recieved zip on cyst removal, oh and one grammar perfectionist piped up after he ejected the best of hulk hogan and wwf. Advice is hard to come by, but messageboard hillarity is not...You on the other hand are enthralled in the realisticness of a backhanded humor shot.... -
Suspect arrested in JonBenet Ramsey case!
cromagnum replied to Oneonta Buffalo Fan's topic in Off the Wall Archives
I have a trade with almost 20 years knowlege, 17 of those years as a subcontractor....I already know how to use a knife and pull a trigger or run over someone and do a brakestand on their skull or chuck a co2 canister filled with magnesium and fitted with a hobby wick that blows sh-- up real good...And an endless array of ideas on how to exterminate a life. -
Suspect arrested in JonBenet Ramsey case!
cromagnum replied to Oneonta Buffalo Fan's topic in Off the Wall Archives
Now thats good, that was actually one of the reasons I posted it, one that people would chuckle and maybe they might give me the cost or an alternative to having a professional do the cyst removal procedure and what type of payment plans they have for people with limited budgets...I have been to a college that studies dentristry and provides that service conducted by students at a reduced cost, this was in lowell mass back in 96..I just asking for options and if someone with that knowlege post it, I would appreciate it, and as I said before I am asking clinics and community health services about this info, although it is slow going with alot of on hold waiting.... -
Suspect arrested in JonBenet Ramsey case!
cromagnum replied to Oneonta Buffalo Fan's topic in Off the Wall Archives
Thats the way it is sometimes...I have had to repair injuries to my body consisting of lacerations and muslce tears and a bruised patella in two separate knee accidents, I could not pay 20 grand for each knee injury. I have a mortgage auto loans and a subcontracting buisness that is exspensive to run... Or I could go to the hospital and not pay the bill and collect welfare while I recuperate, the very Issues you rant about on ppp, and I agree with your stance, and I'm a liberal with a hardcore do it yourself blood coursing through my circulatory system that makes me an american independent with integrity spashed with a tinge of balls to the wall attitude JFK said it best, IT's not what the country can do for you, it's what YOU can do for your country, Being I'm a boston boy, you may not understand, VA you know one those voters for lamont is a vote for al qeada types all wrapped up in my pink commie liberal woobie -
Suspect arrested in JonBenet Ramsey case!
cromagnum replied to Oneonta Buffalo Fan's topic in Off the Wall Archives
Hmmm An Uninsured bluecoller worker might have to remove a cyst himself if it is to exspensive for him to have it done profressionaly...Note, in 94 I sutured my skin over my pattela and rehabilitated the torn muscle and tendon in the knee joint myself while rehabilitating the knee myself with weight exorcizes and gimp walking for 3 months while living off of my $8thousand dollars in savings...Because I could not afford the $ 10's of thousands that surgery and treatment would cost at a hospital...I have been to hospitals for the wife and payed the bill in cash.....I very easily could have recieved hospital servise and never or partially payed the bill and be another contributer of HIGH cost health insurance for all americans, similar to the illegal aliens who work for U.S. companies for cheap dollar with no health insurance YET still go to the hospital and not pay the bill..Frugal becauseIhave to be and conscientious of all americans who are straddled with exspensive health insurance....Man has to have priciples and concern of others while on the planet, and if I have to do this myself I will, just the way I am and just the way it is...If your offended by that reality I understand, it's not everyones cup a tea, then again america ain't the cosby show either..Don't forget I'm a blue collar worker doing the best I can with what I have....I believe that deserves some respect if not I don't realyy give a fu== what anybody ''thinks'' I care about what I need to care about which is ME and those affected by my irresponsible decisions that cost americans money...If I can help reduce in some small way the escallating cost of health care so that maybe ONE american can be added to the roll of the Insured, one of my american goals is complete and done with my own determination and sacrifice..Just saying, life is what you make of it for yourself and those around you, I'm hardcore through and through.. -
Wiretapping ruled unconstitutional
cromagnum replied to Chilly's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I would support a slow redeploy to afghanistan to combat the re-emerging taliban and al qeada in the southern part of the country...I believe, not positive, that the U.S. will maintain permanent military bases in Iraq to secure the bush administrations initial investment for iraqi democracy and to protect the valuable resource in the ground and MAKE DAMN SURE iraq sells oil under the american petro dollar monetary policy, that saddam had wanted to change to the euro in 2000....After the iraq invasion in march 03, the american petro dollar was secured in iraq at the cost of many millions to iraqi's in the food for oil program as the euro was stronger and now iran is threating to switch to the euro as well as chavez in venezquela who supplies close to 40% of the imported oil in the U.S. and they are now on the enemy list..Also of note, was saudi arabia contemplating the euro. And beating to death the re-emerging Taliban and Al Qeada in afghanistan and still confronting the insurgency civil war in Iraq and confronting Iran might be easier without having to place 150000 troops in Iraq in harms way of a iraqi shiite insurgency fueled and armed by Iran with dirty bombs, bio and chem bombs, IED"s assualt rifles, RPG's and missles fired into Israel, the strait of hormuz under siege and saudi arabian oil fields sabotaged.... And adding troops to americas southern border to prevent terrorist from slipping in with the millions of illegals and Detonating WMD's in american cities.. Since the 70's the american petro dollar was instituted by OPEC.... Japan holds 900 billion american dollars in reserves to purchase opec oil. China holds 650 billion in american assets to purchase opec oil. But thats another topic... Get a fuggin warrant if you want to eavesdrop on me....That a constitutional right that has been protected for 100's of years and many soldiers lives have fallen to protect americas constitution that the Bush administration want's to BURN to do what can allready be done with FISA....Just saying as an american. -
Suspect arrested in JonBenet Ramsey case!
cromagnum replied to Oneonta Buffalo Fan's topic in Off the Wall Archives
I know very little to condem this man...I'm looking at POSSIBLE angles,nothing more nothing less.... The haditha case in iraq is just another case prosecuted in the public square without all the facts KNOWN. I believe in letting the justice system continue until a an educated jury is ready to judge...Again I'm no lawyer I just have an opinion as you do. -
Suspect arrested in JonBenet Ramsey case!
cromagnum replied to Oneonta Buffalo Fan's topic in Off the Wall Archives
I understand your perception and point.....Do we know exactly what the child pornagraphy charge was for exactly? I'm not a lawyer, but in newengland there have been arrest of people viewing childpornography on a computer that the criminal created himself with images of children in a jc penny sales flier in swimsuits in suggestive poses.. There is smoke, I prefer to know exactly where the smoke is emmanating from....In malden mass back in the 80's when there was a hightened awareness about daycare centers and molesters,the ameriault (sp?)family running the malden daycare got caught up in the storm and were imprisoned, grandmother, daughter, son...Grammy and the daughter were released years later. I believe the son is still behind bars...They were released due to a legal fight proving that the prosecutor child psycologist coached and implanted false memories in the childrens minds to strenghten the case and convict the family....I'm just looking at the angles in the case that might be there but not reported for the public to make a balanced judgement in this case..He could be guilty and deserve to be torn apart starting at his crotch!!!!! -
Suspect arrested in JonBenet Ramsey case!
cromagnum replied to Oneonta Buffalo Fan's topic in Off the Wall Archives
Did this guy molest children? or is this what the media is reporting? I prefer letting the justice system run it's course and if it goes to trial the jury will decide his fate...Most child predators do not fare well in prison, even if they are in PC there is always another PC inmate that hates this type of criminal and just might take this guy off the planet free of charge.....The media influences the general public and potential jurors in all criminal cases.. -
Why don't the conservatives support the republican candidate in this election. He is after all more in line with they're overall theme in the GOP platform then liberal lieberman? I understand the gop strategy of fracturing the democrats in this election and elections nation wide, so the gop can retain majority power in the senate.. It would be nice to have at least ONE legislative branch of goverment in democratic majority to help balance the power and have more input on the major issues, War, Civil Liberties,Debt,Labor,Energy,Immigration,Enviroment,Health Insurance cost.. War on christmas. Flag burning. Gay marriage. Keeping braindead people alive. Scratching my nuts and azz only with my righthand. And so it goes
I might, and if I do I will video tape it and convert it to a youtube and post the link here....I figure icedown the lump and drink whiskey and pop some narcotic pills and a gram of coke should be enough for an anisthetic..I have been sober for over 2 years, other than 2 nights on loritab and one night on whiskey when I posted on ppp to some cat from mississippi or texas about hurricanes last year. So this self surgery while high could be one fuggin trip into the unknown. In all honesty I would like to know how much this surgery would cost at a hospital and what it entails, if anyone knows could they please post the info. I will be asking for that info at a clinic this week...And if it's to much, be patient the youtube will be coming
I know nothing Shultz was great on hogans heroes, and thats my story and I'm sticking to it....I quess, unless you really want to know what I know, you know? But remember I'm partial liberal ,partial conservative, independent and in no particular order...Freedom in america is great, and so what if I'm a decendent of cromagnon and neanderthals, and my cousin is lucy Fugg it were all decended from billion year old carbon derived from supernovas and other violent actions in the cosmos that was carried by the cosmic winds that seeded the universe and earth so we can bullsh-- on a message board about planned genetics to be a better bullsh--er in a world full of bullsh-- and spin in our elliptical orbit around the sun that one day will cease to exist, and probably supernova and scatter our sh-- to provide more carbon to the universe carried by the solar wind..Or collapse into a blackhole and spit us out the otherside of the vortex into the unknown parralell universes Insomnia sucks, but the coffee is good especially the columbian coffee America is good to me joe six pack, have a great one, sincerely cromagnum, Unga Bunga:)Is that what you know I know? cuz I don't I know you know, well maybe? What about you EII you know better?
Hi wacka, I also have a lump on the back of my neck, I noticed it two years ago, at that time it was marble sized, Now it's golfball sized..It doesn't hurt and I haven't been to a doctor, and I self diagnosed it as a cyst...I have no Insurance and have never used the hospital and not payed for the service they offered.. How much did it cost to remove and treat? And can you cut it out with a razor knife and pull the cyst out with tweezers and superglue the incision and use some antibiotic to combat infection, I am serious I will do it myself if the hospital route is in the thousands ...Not kidding I am a little crazy and don't give a fugg about injuries and pain...I have worked on injuries before so it's not my first time...Anybody have answers or advice on how to fix this lump or how to get medical service on a limited budget?
A lack of intelligence inherited by genetics, can be challenging to the individual in his desire to learn, but with hard work and a teaching and learning approach that is more acceptable for that individual to understand, will and does work on this planet, he might not master it but he may understand the fundamentals.. Bruce smith is an exceptional athlete in the nfl because of genetics and a desire to excell and the ability to be taught by coaches who understand the process to teach those skills to athletes who learn at varying degress of understanding, and I'm quessing that some coaches change their coaching and teaching tactics to athletes who are physically gifted but mentally challenged and need a slightly different method to understand the subject being taught.. I worked with college kids in the flooring trade in the summer that were extremely intelligent...Some were easy to teach the trade to, and others needed more and a different method of teaching for them to grasp the concept...If they were determined they got it, if they were frustrated they didn't... I am able to understand subjects through desire and the willingness to learn those subjects if it takes another approach than the standard I will learn no matter what. The level of understaning and mastering is limited to the persons mental and physical capabilities derived from genetics, but can be attained to an acceptable level of understanding and partial degree of mastering those subjects overtime.. Just IMO, thoughts?
Quest for fire was a bang fest, little primitive and little early kama sutra and produced our diverse cultures and whacked out turn ons that is what america is and is about To quote Ari fliesher
I enjoy his post, he is informative and intelligent and IMO levelheaded, although he has not ripped me to shreds yet, one day he will and it will be funny and I will need to learn more, to try to make up for my lack of knowledge and hurl cromagnum splat piles mixed with corns of knowledge right back at him from my cave. I still believe that the teaching process overcomes any lack of intelligence derived from genetics...The ability to learn is only limited by the student refusing to learn and a teacher refusing to adapt to the students who need a slightly different aplication in the teaching process...Adapt, overcome, prevail and conquer problems that humans face is the basic philosophy of survival.. Thats what I think, although I am a stoner loser burnout highschool flunkie who likes youtubes and
I don't watch much tv, although now that you mentioned it ,I heard about that commercial on sports radio, your right it is bad, fugg it 2 hendricks bands to drop that commercial from invading my serene tranquility
Like jimmy hendricks sweat band, Ahhh much better
Terrorists targeting Amish Popcorn factory?
cromagnum replied to Fezmid's topic in Off the Wall Archives
A federal inspector general has analyzed the nations database of top terrorist targets....There are more than 77.000 of them-up from a 160 a few years ago, before the entire exorcise morphed into a congressional porkfest.. And on the list of national assetts are 1.305 casino's, roll the bones and grab the cash that's there for the taking...Is 7 eleven protected by homeland security? I need some scratch tickets and the newspaper to be informed and win some U.S. petro dollars , I mean dollars -
When I lived in the everglades and on a boat in the gulf, my good friend was from new orleans and is a chef that worked in the french quarter.. He served up excellent poboys in FLA at football parties...Here's a link about poboys .. Thats what I was led to believe that a poboy is a cajun word for traditional sub served in a french bread roll..Just saying my fellow redsox fan A po'boy(also po-boy, poboy or poorboy)is a traditional submarine sandwich from loiusiana...It consist of meat or seafood, usually fried and served on a baguette, U.S teminology for baguette is french bread... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Po_boy
Here's 2 links to brighams of boston and newengland, they also just introduced the fluffernutter ice-cream. http://www.brighams.com/restaurants/locations.asp http://www.brighams.com/ I used to take the T with my mom from dorchester to washingtons st. downtown boston so she could shop at filenes, and for a lunch break we would stop at brighams and eat lunch and order frappes to go, and walk in the boston common and stop at the frrog pond so I could go swimming or go over to the swan boat rides..My favorite flavor was a mocha frappe with jimmies now it's black razzberry with no jimmies.
Looking forward to it, your a very smart and articulate poster with respectful responses to posters.. I'm starting to delve into freedom of speech and reading about it in the constitution...I believe it's the 2nd amendment on the bill of rights that explains that right and the right to bear arms..Looks to be an interesting topic in my opinion...I need to do basic research on that issue and then I will Hopefully start a thread on it and we can read ALL the posters opinions and facts they bring to the discussion...If I'm unable to do that for some reason, you might like to delve into that very important american constitutional guarantee.