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Everything posted by cromagnum

  1. I didn't buy a hamster nor did I catch the ex in a tent with a hamster, might have if I provided her the opprotunity
  2. Thats all it was... Now rosario is little sweetie at least for now....Same goes for me, I am being respectful to her and aim to remain that way...Humans can be a headache, and I have contributed mightily in my 37 years on the planet..Just saying.
  3. I understand your point, I set it up so I could catch her and tell her see ya, she was doing that type of behaviour behind my back claiming to be innocent, I was just a handing her 2 apples and she bit..I would have bailed on her at some point, just that night provided the evidence to end it now.
  4. After I drank those 5 beers the other day, I woke up a bit groggy and questioned myself on the need of alchohol in my life, right now I am refraining from beer. It's difficult due to growing up a partier, but I might continue the non-alcohol use for a stretch or till the end...
  5. I understand your take on the use of my word ''friends'' in reality they are now associates, instead of true friends...They are friends with almost all the people I am friendly with, so for me to exclude those 2 ''friends'' I would have to start over in the friends category....I do not invite those 2 over to my house, but sometimes at the poolhall or other venues they are there with the rest of the crew..Does that clear up the situation? life comes with complications that has gray areas that are not clearly defined, thats all man.
  6. I could have just had the divorce, without telling my friends to do the tent party with the ex..Is that what your refering to? cuz she could have said no, but she pulled her panties off instead...I'm am for the most part a decent guy, but if I'm getting played I sometimes join the game
  7. For the whole population? What about the oil? And the powder keg that is the mid east?
  8. I was with her for 10 years, she is a hairdresser who is good looking and I quess was promiscous unbeknownst to me....By year 8 in the marriage I didn't care for her that much, we would still go to parties and she would be drinking and I found out how much self controll she had....Some of my friends had allways liked her body and her party attitude, when I reached my limit of staying married with her I told my friends to make their moves on her....Sure enough at another summertime party with a band and kegs and about a 100 people and tents in someones backyard....2 of my friends pounded her in one of the tents, and I went over to the tent and called out to the wife and said you having a great time at the party ......She didn't answer back, and she had to hitch a ride after the party. She used my money and bought a good lawyer for the divorce and won all kinds of parting gifts....I'm just glad she never got pregnant by me, otherwise I would have had a hard time with visitations and would have had 18 years of sending checks to the ex-wife... One of the Best decisions I ever made, no word of a lie.
  9. And traditional diplomacy is not practiced here in the U.S. this decade, at least with a few countries like Iraq, Iran and korea.. We are currently at war and simutaneously preventing and preparing for war! This guy here has a saying about that. http://www.quotationspage.com/quote/519.html
  10. Helen thomas poseidon adventure? I watched the original in the 70's She in the remake? Helen thomas, whats the connection I'm thinking of the the older actress that has the same type of build as helen...Just friggen tell me, dang it
  11. They did a study http://forum.digitalspy.co.uk/board/showthread.php?t=436181
  12. Just a glass of coke, hows the A.C.?
  13. Do you think the ministry of faith-based internet innitiative is kosher with this?
  14. There's an old saying in tennessee, it's probably in texas to. Fool me once shame on me. Ahhhh ahhhhh ahhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh Fool me can't get fooled again
  15. Tactical nukes would be more efficient and not only vaporize me but the densely populated millions of liberals in northeast mass and southeast N.H...Two birds irritatating the BUSH are better than a Bird in hand in a more profit sense twisted out of a conservative and accurate rational, besides wolfowitz explained newengland oil will pay for newengland re-construction so your tax cut is safe.
  16. And I am a socialist granola crunching terrorist sympathetic supporter of evildoers while being fed welfare nourishment who a vote for lamont is a vote for al qaeda types and shouldn't question GWB's foreign policy brilliance, Tough crowd
  17. Another mission for lexington?
  18. I like to ask questions and engage in conversation with just about anybody, even wacka...I wish I could find common ground sometimes with hardliners, it's not in the cards it appears.
  19. The thoughts that come from your mind sometimes HONESTLY I use the dictionary google ask my grandad and father on war history...To either know what you mean or brushup on history...Your a machine with knowledge, it is great that your gifted, but I have to do lotsa refrencing inorder to know what the hell your talking about sometimes, which helps me, but man you got synaptic lightspeed and a friggen warehouse of files between your ears
  20. That was a great movie and great acting and they both played their parts with realistic icy coolness...Macca Mao? The scene. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Uu1xEL6WrQ...h=deer%20hunter
  21. Somewhat ,But wacka ain't joking, I believe? he does approve hardline tactics on opposing nations and american democrats/liberals. Nothing like the smell of napalm in N california!
  22. Some of that answer you provided in a humorous fashion kinda like dennis miller I will need to google.
  23. Not only israel, but Iraq, the strait of hormuz and oil production in saudi arabia. There are reports of Hizb'Allah in the U.S.
  24. The old ironfist wrapped in a velvet glove approach sounds reasonable.. I'm not defending Iran, I am looking at their counter-attack capabilities if we drop the hammer.
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