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A face to face conversation explaining her concerns to the parents and the kid would have been proper diplomacy..She might have done this or not, I'm just speculating...If she did not confront this minor disturbance with the parents and kid, and instead went with the litigation route directly, I say let the games begin, just sayin
In 03 donald rumsfeld said the iraqi insurgency would not last 6 months. In 06 V.P. dick cheney said the insurgency is in it's last throes. When the iraqi insurgency steadly became more violent and deadly after his last throes comment, they spun the definition worse than what is is? Now donald rumsfeld explains that insurgies typicaly last from 1 to 12 years.. Is rummys balls inside his cranium? and is that why he's so fubared with his explanations that change constantly due to a testosterone and estrogen radical fluctuations regulating his synaptic process and allowing him the ability to have wild thoughts that swing from one extreme to the next, depending on what chemical his nutz are producing on any given day?
Man, what about me? I feel like a pooch getting dropped off in the woods all by myself with no one to to correct my behavior or praise my behavior and no dang scoobie snacks Thats it ,I'm pissing on every human I stumble across, ruh roh
What thread are you refering to? And you see no connection to the dwindling global oil supply and the numerous U.S. bases established in the mid-east and central asia and the abilty to protect and preserve our piece of the supply and maintain the U.S. petro dollar established with opec in the 70's using a dominant military force and at the same time conducting gwot and trying to establish a democracy in iraq and afghanistan with plans of that spreading across the mid east? New U.S. military bases in cental asia and the caspian sea region. http://www.globalsecurity.org/org/news/200...09-attack01.htm Caspian oil. http://www.infoplease.com/spot/caspianoil1.html Oil consumption analysis http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/ieo/oil.html World and world war histories, I have read before where germany was constructing a rail-line to iraq with the intent of securing their oil fields before wwI was started, the stated reason for wwI is an austrian royal being assassinated?, I need to read the history again to refresh, I do remember that as well as churhill and britain in iraq for decades running their colony. here's the link, about germany involved with the ottoman empire and a rail line being constructed for iraqi oil purposes among other needs, and the worlds opinion and eventual wwI. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baghdad_Railway http://www.bartleby.com/67/toc6.html There's 3 global terrorist links that I provided in the cnn:footsteps of bin laden thread.
Congressional Speech: The End of U.S.
cromagnum replied to cromagnum's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Thank you for the comments on the subject... I have looked at this angle for about 3 months and found it interesting, I will post some links in this post in about 20 minutes... The economic relationship to the petrol dollar and the U.S. economy and ''possible rational for war and that includes the other reasons such as broken resolutions,wmd's and installing a democracy to promote western democracy in the mid-east is all open to debate, I'm not discounting any rational just would like to discuss and further my knowledge... I am clearly at a disadvantage in global economics and the relationship of the us petro dollar in that subject, but I am reading and learning about it and eager to read other posters educated opinions and thoughts on the subject. An article about the the U.S. dollar crisis on the horizon. http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?con...210&articleld=1 Oil currency, and the war on iraq. http://www.feasta.org/documents/papers/oil1.htm Iran. http://www.energybulletin.net/2913.html The proposed Iranian oil bourse. http://www.financialsense.com/editorials/p.../2006/0120.html Thats it for now, I'm hitting the rack in 30 minutes. Good morning everybody, I will add a few links, hope thats not to big of a deal. If this is a problem, please pm me and discuss your concerns,I am comfortable with diplomacy and will ammend the error of my ways accordingly, peace! Cost of war. http://costofwar.com/embed.html A macroeconomic and geostrategic analysis of the situation http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/RRiraqWar.html Oil currency Geopolitics:Europe,China,Iran and the United States. http://peakoil.com/static/editorial/Oil_Cu...Geopolitics.htm -
True love is unbreakable? or is it
Cnn: in the footsteps of bin laden
cromagnum replied to cromagnum's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I have read that before I am looking to read those links and check for accuracy as anybody would on most issues....I also believe clinton fugged up bad, in not dropping the hammer on bin laden and al qeada in afghanistan, he had the opprutunity from 96 till his last day as an active president.. I also have major issue with bush on bin laden and iraq, all the other policies he has enacted has it's good and bad, just like any other president, so I am more interested in the bin laden angle as well as iraq. Global terrorist. http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/archi...hp/t-23420.html Profiles of global terrorist organizations. http://library.nps.navy.mil/home/tgp/tgpndx.htm Patterns of global terrorism http://www.mipt.org/Patterns-of-Global-Terrorism.asp If you may provide those links and yes if it's on a youtube thats acceptable to me, I actually prefer the video evidence of those being implicated, it's real personal and captured on tape, but text links are very good too, equal opprutunity for all media formats, in my opinion is cool....Although I can understand the reluctance of some to a video tape being used in a poliitical discussion..To me it's like a football game film that has to be broke down to see the strengths and weakness of the game...Just my 2 cents Edit: I was discussing this topic with a dyed in the bush neo-con, he refuses to discuss bin laden with bush I and 2 or reagan, but was willing to provide a link about clinton and bin laden, it's a link with the evil liberal media ABC, I was thrown of the chair when he used that source for the connection,seriously the guy hates all liberal instititutions or percieved as such and liberals http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=16621 -
Cnn: in the footsteps of bin laden
cromagnum replied to cromagnum's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I will add a few links about gary bernstan the cia field commander who was in tora bora in 01 hunting bin laden... Also if someone may post links that provide evidence of clinton botching on bin laden due to incompetence or whatever the reason was that he is responsible for failing to exterminate bin laden... gary bernsten. http://powdertracks.blogspot.com/2006/07/s...rnsten-and.html gary bernsten. http://www.infowars.com/articles/iraq/let_laden_escape.htm gary bernsten. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Bernsten Bin laden is proving difficult to bring to justice after his campaign of terrorism in the 90's and the 00's...I thought after 911 the U.S. military under the direction of our elected president would have crucified bin laden and al qeada in afghanistan. And sealed our borders that are grossly unprotected and really corrected our security systems at all U.S. ports by having radiation detectors and more stringent checks on the millions of containers entering the U.S. every year from overseas, the possibility of an attack through our porous borders or ports exist.. Just my opinion. -
A vote for FDR or lamont or 99% of democrats except lieberman ,is a vote for al qeada types, so says our current VP dick cheney, your either with us or your for the terrorist so says the president george bush. We must finish the job that has cost $320 billion and counting, it is not a civil war it's an insurgency that is in it's ''last throes dick cheney'' In 03 donald rumsfeld said the violent insurgency in iraq would not last more than 6 months.. In 06 donald rumsfeld said the insurgency in iraq can last anywhere from 1 to 12 years.. Resolve in the disolved bush administration fubars means being stedfast is the only way to correct errors of immense size and keep marching in the quicksand. Revising their strategy is counter-productive and appears weak. so says them. Go GOP
Lets discuss the history of bin laden from when the cia funded and trained the loose knit resistence fighters in the afghan-soviet war, and clintons handling of bin laden right up to present day GWB...I have read statements of clinton refusing to arrest bin laden, is this true?....I also have read statements where gary bernsten had bin laden cornered in tora bora in 01 and requested more U.S. troops to help block his escape and that request was denied by washington-centcom, is that true ? More links will be submitted along with some commentary. http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/presents/bin.laden/
I would sneak into her yard at night and pour roundup weed killer over her flowers. If she is that cranky over a meow and tried sueing me I would be creative in my revenge... Thats if she is that cranky as the link suggest......I'm an azz so what, at least you know how I might take action on a cranky neighbor
Those types of occurences happen in ''Naples'' I like that town, I heard of stories where young bucks go to the withches brew on the tamiami trail and seduce the extremely wealthy and divorced female clientel..It's a Sugar mamma nightclub. The best action is on the miles of sugar white beaches Bobby Mcgees was on 951 in goldengate on the border of naples.. Clam pass by the registry resort is the best beach and the nightclubs at the registry are unbelievable..I caught a 7 lb snook while drinking beers from my cooler and scrutinizing the bikinis that walked back and fourth, Florida is great. And on 5th ave is 2 irish pubs that are excellent, and frequented by the celebrity types....
I fixed it.
Since you live in tampa and this bar I'm talking about is in the naples area, you might have heard of this bar and this bartender and her brother.. Real rough bar bobby McGees was, I started hanging there since 98? along with other joints in the area...My dog jack was allowed to sit at the bar in a stool and I bought and others customer would give jack pickled eggs and sausage and pigs feet...And a truck would pull up with meat fom winn dixie and seafood from local fisherman, including stonecrabs for $10 dollars a pound and gulf shrimp 5LBS FOR $15...But at night some in the crowd we're brawlers fueled with heavy drinking. I witnessed some heavy duty violence at that bar...I still patronized that place cuz of a great jukebox my dog allowed in and some friends that were laidback and not as crazy as some of customers... Here's the link for the suspected murderer and his sister the bartender Karen. http://www.fadp.org/news/nn-20060225.htm I knew her husband glen from the bar, and the other victim allie walsh was a sweet women who was murdered and ballard was suspected...
I was at this biker bar in S.florida where the bar tenders sometimes wore lingere to increase their tips.. Karen worked 4 nights at this bar and she was wild and beautiful. And one night a customer asked if he tossed a fifty dollor bill to the floor could she pick it up without any part of her body except her verticle smile) She immediately stripped and rubbed the slug and squatted and stood back and removed the $50 from it's new location I know it's rude crude and sometimes socially unacceptable , but thats what happened
Street justice is the best
Actually, Rush Limbaugh has an opinion on this, here's the mp3 of his views. http://www.bartcop.com/rushnazi.mp3 And here's the video format http://www.bushflash.com/nazi.html
In virginia. Staff at a home for the elderly organised an unlikely present for a residents 102nd birthday- a stripper. The male stripper was ordered after mrs dorling said she would like one for her 100th birthday. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/norfolk/5275506.stm
I quit on my 2 year self imposed no alcohol
cromagnum replied to cromagnum's topic in Off the Wall Archives
Well , Two drunks we're getting sauced while sitting at a curb. One of the drunks notices a dog licking his balls and remarks to the the other drunk, look at that dog lick his balls and saying I wish I could do that... The other drunk says go ahead he looks friendly enough. -
I quit on my 2 year self imposed no alcohol
cromagnum replied to cromagnum's topic in Off the Wall Archives
You could allways lick youself clean like a cat -
I quit on my 2 year self imposed no alcohol
cromagnum replied to cromagnum's topic in Off the Wall Archives
____________________________________________________________________ Tile on the horizontal is a lotta :Pl_l surface but in the verticle l is quite similar to a verticle ) smile and easier to cover with on one upstroke of the tonque and ending at the the fun button to expidite the the jobs climax -
I quit on my 2 year self imposed no alcohol
cromagnum replied to cromagnum's topic in Off the Wall Archives
To be honest I didn't take the offer, she paid me for my labor installing the carpet, my helper did do a sidejob for that housewife Being a floorinstaller you have to remove all the furniture , and we check the nightstand draws for breakables before we lift and remove, and also cleanout the closet floors....Toys and dungeon equipment has been found on a couple thousand occasions It's a wild world -
I quit on my 2 year self imposed no alcohol
cromagnum replied to cromagnum's topic in Off the Wall Archives
I am a sub-contractor and for 20 years I have worked in peoples homes and just about all the races and cultures and religions I have encountered in all those jobs over the years....From $50million dollar homes to an apartment in the ghetto.. One job a wealthy buisnessman was toying with the 17?year old nanny, and when his wife came home for lunch he changed his behavior and sweet talked his wife where 10 minutes before he was getting real comfortable with the nanny. In boston I was working at a renovation project at ABCD for over a month. This building is located at the corner of tremont and boyleston street, right at the edge of the combat zone and the financial district..At lunch we would sit on a bench in the common people wathcing, there are regular hookers and transvestite hookers working the crowds for customers..The transvestites we're picked up by suits walking or driving in their bmw's and other highend vehicles.. And in cheap housing we have been offered by housewives sex for floor installs. Most people are ''normal'' on the surface, sometimes they exhibit their darkside for a construction worker to be amused at the this thing called life. cromagnum is just another human enjoying the ride of life on the planet...What ed thread are you refering to?