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Everything posted by cromagnum

  1. Bridge on the river kwai....And for t.v, Mayberry.....Couple of whistle while you work tunes....
  2. Spoiled, yeah its been nice.....
  3. I met quite a few people from southern conneticut that are yankee and giants fans,that area is tri state region....Really newyork city should just annex it
  4. $1.10 a gallon, and at the mcdonalds they had help wanted sign starting pay $ 8.00 hour, Excuse me, I had a flashback, $2.60 a gallon, and mcdonalds is hiring for $5.15 an hour, and you do not have to speak english, wuevos mcmuffin...
  5. Truly heroic, and Truly scary...
  6. Schindlers list
  7. You sound like a typical tortured redsox fan, who are nourished before birth to despise the yankees....Allthough we had $$$$$$$$money discrepancy to bolster our arguments.....And now you want to say brady sold his soul to satan, YOU rtconner who is from the evil empire....
  8. You just nodded off, when you wake up your going to say oh man now Im a human pin cushion...Next time you are on the marta, get off at midtown and walk into the vortex, put a buck in the juke and order a draft...
  9. You hate nature? Maybe you need to look at it in a different light....Like it does'nt cost money, or someway for you enjoy the scenic beauty in nature....Your post made me think you would like a matrix type of existence.... No color, nothing but a plate of refried beans and alcohol....
  10. If hillary is elected, rush limbaugh is back on tv....I still can see the image of bill clinton peddling backwards as rush described how bill clinton would ruin the economy.....That was right after he was elected in 93, and new england was in a recession....Even as the economy boomed the criticism boomed as well....Eight years of blah,blah,blah.......... If hillary is elected, I am buying stock in the rush limbaugh media company......
  11. A nice stroll on the white sugar sand beaches of lake erie...Then a quick run to walmart to purchase a winter jacket, gloves and a wool hat.....
  12. I agree he was sick, powerful person, and if hell exist, sounds like he is going.....Televise a live hanging,and a holiday......You remember those people that had their heads decapitated on video with sound?....One day I am listening to talk radio, started with sports, then changed the station to politics....I was cooking in the kitchen and apparently did'nt hear the warning...when I heard some strange weezing sounds....Then the radio person explained what the sounds were....I like to debate, whine, or just post silly humorous thoughts........After listening to that, I think public executions should be payper view material, give the money to charity or something worthwhile.......I vote a non hanging death..... Stake him down to a fireant hill
  13. Which gulf, persian or mexico, if its the gulf of mexico,dang it they have a weather producing weapon of mass destruction......O.K. fox would promote it like the superbowl, and the camera would catch somebody lifting their burka and half the U.S. would be upset about a fullmoon....Cnn would promote it like a lifetime miniseries, and have call in counselors, like D.R. phil on hand for emotional support.....Hey, paul wolfowitz was going to use iraq oil for iraq reconstruction, john poindexter wanted to set up mutual fund, I say put it on payper view
  14. He deserves to die,televise his death on pay per view to help pay for reconstruction of iraq.......
  15. Welcome back to the top!!!!!! Appears the division is up for grabs.....Pat's defensive woes, running game slowed, and injuries ,on top of a tough early schedule.........Jet's, Q.B woes... Dolphins, new coach, and Q.B. questions......Bill's, winning with the backup Q.B...........I only watched the bills play the falcons, and that game was, a little boring.........Sounds like the team is starting to gell now........Afc east battles in october, this is great, knockdown dragout for first,?????????????Holcomb or losman? Right now the division is yours........
  16. What a game, I wanted a N.D to win, but when you see game like that, it don't matter....
  17. Hey, I seen the ship takeing on some water, glad thats the defensive leak ,that will plug the hull,and sail it allthe way to four out of five....
  18. I would like to see 30000 glowing, and I imagine the scent of all those jackolanterns on a crisp nite is noticeable and good.......Penuches, been to the one in concord, like an old irish pub, rootbeer is good for me now....I love those old mills, they're still are around and used for retail, work and apartment's...With the exposed brick and oak and pine, and sometimes the old machinery that was in use over 100 years ago........Hiked monadnock, nice view to the south see boston, to the west see green mountains in vermont and the the ranges in newyork.............Also drove up pack monadnock and setup the telescope and checked out the solar system, that storm on jupiter is clearly visible, and still going strong after hundreds of years, glad this nonstop rain will let up after only a couple of weeks....If you did monadnock, you probaly checked out lake nubanusit, that is some crystal clear water.....I seen that movie, after I came back from some summer concert tours that had me feeling jumangied ......Town's like keene are quintesential americana......
  19. About keene, during the job I had that day, at lunch went down main st. and grabbed lunch, ate at the gazebo, at town common?... Then walked over to a music store and browsed and played the congas, bongas and morrocas and other percussion instruments, neat music store.... Was reading a flier on the wall and it mentioned keene halloween festival, supposedly they have the largest display of jackolantern's in the U.S.....I like small town's there always something unique about them...For instance I was in bath N.H. doing another job around december, to get to the house, had to cross this river thru a covered bridge... on the way back home stopped at the general store nere the covered bridge, on the front porch of the store was woodstove and a couple of people hanging out chatting....Inside was like stepping back in time barrels of candy, barrel of pickles, another woodstove burning fragrant wood, and a plaque on the wall claiming it was the oldest contiously operated general store in the U.S. ...I prefer those stores compared to 7 11,O k, and the cluster of generic mass produced suburban strip mall sreets...Reminds me of the joanie mitchel song, pave paradise, put up a parking lot ...
  20. Keene is a pictureque town, I have been there and hiked and biked along the cold river, the river thats flooding the area.....Whatever you do when your watching the tide come in tide along the coast, do not save the beached brown trout.......
  21. The student was rescued by the driver, I myself unfortunately did'nt intervene, although I was 11, 90 lb's white kid who was going to school in dorchester mass. in the 70's, this was during the bussing chaos day's.... The real travesty was the kid's getting bussed back to roxbury, and watching adult's throw rock's at the busses and scream at children who were not welcome, in thier section of boston...I did help out other students. although I took a lot of beatings going to school and back home.... It was a facet of hell that I was in, there are many thing's I wish were different back then...I am still here, alot of my classmates are not, violence in the city......AHH war stories, I rather look at the comical side of it....And it's still raining, better buy a life preserver!!!!!!!!
  22. On the bus going home I watched a person get restrained while another student had peeled the strips of duct tape off the seats, and proceeded to wrap the restrained students head with the tape.... It was a 85 degree day, and the glue was very tacky, poor kid screamed and the bus driver turned the offenders in... He eventually grew back his mullet......Hiho hiho, it's off to school we go, we learn some junk, and then we flunk ,Hiho hiho....
  23. I use to work as a prep cook/ diswasher till 2 A.M ,then attend highschool at 7.30A.M , and would nod off during the first class..........Another classmate would knock my books off my desk and kick my chair until I awoke, and usually there would be drool running down my face and laughter would erupt in the class......... I eventually wanted revenge, so I purchased an exlab bar, smoked a joint with this person before 1st class, and offered him some chocalate for his munchies............. Around 11.A.M he was in a study hall with approx. 300 students and wearing powder gray corduroys''levis'' when his involitary muscles gave out, and his pants changed from grey to brown.....LIQUID POOP HAPPEN'S........ 2 week's suspension.......
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