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Everything posted by cromagnum

  1. Who do you think noriega liked.
  2. He said one beer, did'nt say the size, probally a 64 oz. super gulp.
  3. So, the stylish clothes they wear, did'nt warrant airtime.
  4. Why does the media report about some blond haired and blue eyed girl that disappeared on aruba 6 months ago, everyday. And teenagers in my old neighborhood get shot to death, and get 10 lines in the local paper, then on to the next story.
  5. They packed it all up and moved it to syria, everything. Drone planes, mobile labs,nuclear facilities. Tricky bastards.
  6. When they were smuggling cocaine?
  7. What truth are you talking about.
  8. ? I still want to know if he bagged the bird in the process.
  9. Another job for joe wilson.
  10. Do not know their reasons for abortions, but they all had to pass the gauntlett to go in or out of the building. The women were emotianally beat down.
  11. I was was working in action boston community developement on the corner of tremont an boyleston st., as a construction worker. This job took two months to complete. Twice a week they had small anti abortion protest outside the building, and if you left the building for lunch they blasted you with the bullhorn calling you a murderer. One weekend there had to be 10.000 people protesting outside and marching around the common. That was full on in your face look at what you do, look at these pictures. Grabbing your arm for attention and then reciteing prayers. They were'nt violent, just relentless in their approach, to the point of we wanted to hit them with our hammers, so we could go to lunch.
  12. What does this refer to.
  13. In new england after the market crashed in 87, and the interest rates went up the region slowly died economically. Between the construction job losses and tech job losses, digital corp, wang corp,raytheon, lockheed sanders. I seen shopping malls that were boarded up. Plenty of work for auctioneers.
  14. Where on this terra firma, that is approximately 93 million miles from the sun, do you believe bin laden is.
  15. 2 countries due north of the sub continent india.
  16. I was just asking a simple question. Is that legible to you.
  17. IN 87 the stock market lossed 300 points, interest rates went up and building boom crumbled, along with the tech jobs. While bush 1 was in office were tough times economically. Those were some bad times. Whatever clinton did or did'nt do, the working world was fantastic.
  18. True, my education leaned towards shop classes, measure, cut, nail. I do live close to M.I.T.
  19. Hey, I was pretty good, on where in the world is carmen sandiego. And I remember a local tv reporter asking presidential candidate george w. bush , who is the president of pakistan, he did not know.
  20. What I heard is he is on the border, the mountainess border of afghanistan and pakistan.He also said similar smack to spain and england.
  21. He is still alive and planning a new attack, and the presidents goals in iraq are completed. Other then stabalizing iraq.
  22. Lets hope he is killed or captured , and his stated goal thwarted. If Bin Ladin is successful, will the president increase troops in afghanistan to find and terminate him.
  23. Defendent, with ken starr leading the show.
  24. To sit in a bar have a drink, and not deal with increasing intrusions of our liberties, by the gov't and local police. The times they are changing...
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