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Everything posted by cromagnum

  1. The democrats will most definately need solutions to solve the problems, or its just like hiring a different juggler for the circus.
  2. Are there other companies that provide the services halliburton offers? and if so, it should have went out to bid. And does halliburton subcontract any services and in doing so, put it up for bid.
  3. The media reported, what the administration was selling. For instance WMD's untill that proved untrue. The media reported how iraq oil will pay for iraq reconstruction untill that proved untrue. The media reported that us military would be seen as liberators and have flowers thrown at the troops untill that proved untrue. The media reported how the powell doctrine was not needed for invading iraq untill that proved untrue. The media reported that there was no guerilla war in iraq untill that proved untrue We have heard the confident message, And were praying that iraq does not fall into a civil war.
  4. What alternative, perot, larouche, nader. He is, that being said I prefer to vote for democrats. Although right now the next choices of president looks to be mcain or clinton,wishing powell would run.
  5. I want to believe gore would have invaded afghanistan. Do you think he would have sent troops on the ground to block any escape of bin laden out of tora bora. What I read the U.S. had 500 special op's and 2000 afghan fighters, Definately needed alot more troops. Or maybe after botching that mission up, he would then focus on saddam. Oh well water under the bridge now.
  6. Democrats are racist, and have weakened americas security, because a state owned company D.P.W. UAE has been known to support terrorist and fund madras, was denied access, to run ports in america. Not to sound like a jerk, the iraq war from the begining sounded bad. Denying DPW sounds passively agressive,better to err this way then the other.
  7. Well bush said he would veto it, at least he found his veto stamp.
  8. Another word you will like. While living on the boat, I would cast a net towards a pod of baitfish, finger mullets, excellent bait for snook and redfish. Yep even been to the mullet festival in everglades city. Ever try smoked mullet.
  9. 98, I was camping in sandwich notch N.H... Sleeping in the tent, woke up to yip yip yip yipyipyipyoooooooooooooo. Walked over to the still burning campfire sat down looked up the at vivid milky way and listened to the chorous of coydogs. Then put on some coffee,went for hike towards the hall ponds. Great trout fishing along with the occasional glimpse of moose. On the way back to camp I hear bup bup bupbupbupbupbupbup, ruffed grouse perched on blowdown. Next day back in town listening to the natural sounds of honk, ring, out of my way moron.
  10. Where I was dock fees were 500.00 a month, although we moored out a quarter mile and payed dock usage fees 100.00 which allowed dinghy tieup and laundry ,shower. If you want dry storage for your boat, theres services you boat to and they pull your boat out and park it in a warehouse.
  11. I lived on a boat part time. No yardwork, wakeup in the morning have a cup a joe, cast a line great way to start a day. And if you have a prpblem with your neighboors, pull anchor and find a new neighboorhood.
  12. Some of people I went to school with in boston, ended up following others into the drug trade. They were taught by a longline of others, the easy money. Now in the mideast their drug of choice, to peddle is ideaology, taught in madras, funded by oil revenues. Have to break the cycle oneway or another. Anyway, at least ideas are being tossed around.
  13. I thought of the global need for fuel, and by other countries buying into the technology and benifiting, thier money will not also go to the mideast. They can call it the North Atlantic non oil Treaty Organization. I remember Thomas friedman selling the idea, the iraq war a as plan to diminish the money that fuels terrorism, by turning iraq into a democracy. And other oil producing countries will follow. I would keep killing the terrorist in afghanistan, and think about iraq and the mideast as a whole, and find a way to starve em of cash.
  14. The war on drugs is a never ending battle, to much money involved. Take the money out of illegal dealers hands, half the battle is over. Now if we could elect politicians who want to keep the money out of middle east oil rich countries, by pushing a serious goal of alternative fuel. The cold war ended by bankrupting the soviet union. Just a thougt.
  15. Gary berntsen, a field commander who led the special operations forces, and afghan fighters to kill or capture bin laden. In his account, explains how they cornered bin laden in tora bora in 2001. Unfortunately his calls to washington for american forces to block bin laden and his followers from leaving afghanistan, was not permitted. This request was made while bin laden was in afghanistan and to surround him in afghanistan. Bin laden news has taken a backseat to the news in iraq. I am waiting for the day, when the U.S. says we got him.
  16. Everytime the president talks about the issue of illegals coming into this country, he mentions that americans do not want to pick fruit or moe lawns, and that the illegals do. He never mentions the illegals setting steel, framing houses,painting,electrical,plumbing,quess americans do not want to do that either.
  17. The ground operation was explained by gary bernsten. As they were fighting the in the mountains, they picked up a radio off a dead terrorist, listened and heard the bastards talking about bin laden and the need to bail out. Bernsten called in for u.s. troops to be placed on the ground to help with the afghans. That request was denied. After that bin laden escaped into pakistan. Bernsten went on to explain the errors of clinton and bush in handling bin laden for the last 10 years.
  18. In december of 2001, while the u.s. military was bombing tora bora, if there was more troops on the ground, as was called for by gary bernsten, bin laden, iman al zarqawui would probally be dead. That request was denied. After that was the buildup for the war in iraq. As for the parallel universe hypothesis, Like I said bin laden and iman al zarqawui are dead, and the un weapon inspectors are not pulled out of iraq.
  19. U.S. troops are sent to afghanistan to seal off any escape routes for bin laden
  20. Gotta ressurect leonard nimoys old tv show, in search of.
  21. Another theory, he really liked QUIET RIOT.
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