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Everything posted by cromagnum

  1. I work in construction, The goverment fails to mention how illegals are being hired and taking jobs and lowering wages in the building trades. The issue of illegals has gone beyond picking fruit....Imagine how white collar workers would fail if boatloads of indians came over and allowed to compete for their jobs while being illegal and working for far less money and benefits.
  2. The latinos I come to know are good people and work hard, I say half of em had the building trades skill aquired in mexico and south america and moved to america for better money. They tend to group up on apartments, ten people to a 2 bedroom unit. Less out of pocket expense and more money to wire back to support their families. Most say they want to go back after they make enough money Here to live comfortable when they return to the country. Meanwhile because of their illegal status employers take advantage and reduce the wages and the american construction worker either loses his job or finds his wages suppressed. All this bull talk about how americans dont want to do this type of work is a LIE.
  3. One home builder I know, had a good framing crew. They were replaced by a crew who were illegal aliens except the lead framer who had a visa. Reason , he was able to cut the labor cost in half. I have been on large sub divisions 200 or more houses being built, it would amaze you the number of illegals working. They are not just digging ditches, they are in every facet of building, except as office workers. Its just another way to screw over the american worker and its allowed.
  4. The us goverment allows illegals in and blue collar business takes advantage, cant have slavery, driving down wages with illegals is ok. Glad somebody is looking out for the people that build america.
  5. This person will keep on stealing, until someone teaches him a lesson, sometimes violence as a deterent is needed, in this case I would lump him up.
  6. The cat attacking the avonlady is goodstuff, I like how they described the claws as formidable weapons
  7. Years ago a pitbull saved me from losing sleep. Friend of mine was allways buying eggs at the market to pickle at home, his favorite drunk food. One day he brings home a chicken, his free source of eggs he proclaims... He lived next door and we party on the weekends, and a few nights during the week, we were professional drunks that had to work... A week goes by I wake up at 3am to a rooster crowing, walk over to my friends trailer and tell him thats no chicken its a rooster....Couple weeks after that neighbors pit named spot caught the rooster out of the cage..I didn't do it but I was glad..
  8. Never played the game like that. Homeruns were rare but awesome to witness. Except for one kid on the opposing team who would crush the ball, he was a freak 11yr 6ft 170lb. and played catcher and would guard homeplate with a vengence. Any player on my team running for home went feet first otherwise he knock your teeth in the dirt.
  9. There is a book '' spite malice and revenge'' that has many a story similar to yours, good read, quite humorous.
  10. This guy sounds like a lowlife who needs to be smashed or his belongings ruined to the tune of your loss... Ask for your money if he says no do his car, home depot one gallon of muriatic acid, pour it on his car or $50 to someone to hurt him a little bit.
  11. I worked for this guy in 90, who had a sub contract for cruz construction,who was rehabing the housing projects for HUD in boston, my boss hired illegal portugese workers who made $21 hour, they had to sign the check to him and then he payed them about $6 per hour. I didn't say anything, times were tough the local economy was in recession. He ended up stiffing me on a check, so I took his tools which equalled my pay. He threatened to call the cops, I threatened to call immigration. He never payed me and he never recieved the tools. The funny thing is, he was from portugal and he believed in socialism.
  12. In the construction trades,Illegals are doing more then picking fruit and mowing lawns, they are now driving wages lower in the building trades, and benefits in those trades like health insurance are becoming extinct. I allways buy american vehicles, avoid wallmart, so my money would benefit america and americans. Now I have to compete with american buisness owners hiring cheap illegal labor. Actually we lost health insurance years ago, back when hmo's came in the cost kept going up till that benefit was dropped. I have used super glue to close lacerations, burns like hell, beats the $400 for 12 stitches, so we learn to deal without health insurance, now will have to deal with getting payed less, because that problem aint getting fixed.
  13. Theres plenty of jobs that americans are doing, illegals are doing the work for less money and no benefits like health insurance, thats a big plus for buisness owners. So how do you compete in that enviroment, don't hire americans, unless they accept less money and no benefits.
  14. People getting drunk in a bar is a nono.
  15. I remember that video, worse was flock of seagulls, I laugh now, thinking back Im sure I had a mullet ........ Did away with that do couple years later thanks to propane torch accident on the job, cheap quick haircut.
  16. When does mickey come back?
  17. The plates idenified him as such along with his haphazzard junk in the road. I still will buy a chevy even if its a halfbreed, one of those buy american people. Glad that wasn't the peter pan thing, BIB got me in the other thread.
  18. There was a book by a u.s. wildlife officer, who talked about the passenger pigeons migrations and the numbers of birds darkening the skies. And buffalo herds so immense they would darken the horizon with the dust they kicked up.
  19. Thats ok, I was in a chevy diesel pickup with buds on a memorial weekend camping trip. Some inconsiderate mass-hole parked his toyota in the middle of the loggin road blocking passage. We dumped it in the ditch. We were on a mission for wood.
  20. My local library has a good colection of movie classics. I have watched quite a few and henry fonda has been in some good ones. Most recently watched grapes of wrath.
  21. It be great if they could drag bin ladens ass out of pakistan and then put through a woodchipper.
  22. In N.H. you can hunt coyotes year round and no bag limit.
  23. Wildlife has made a great comeback. Growing up it was rare to see a hawk. With the banning of ddt, birds of prey are seen on a regular basis. With hunting liscence fees and the particapation of groups like ducks unlimited and similar outfits, People now get to complain about their bushes being devoured by deer , coons knocking over the trash barrels, fisher cats eating their pets, beers attacking the birdfeeder. Much better then the alternative
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