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Everything posted by cromagnum

  1. I read about liberals owning the media, newspapers, generally everything...Swaying peoples decisions, must be stopped. Bring back the inquisition, hey it worked for the spanish, learned that by the watching that liberal movie, History of the world part one.
  2. I was against the decision to invade iraq.... My reason, I thought we should have pounded the terrorist in afghanistan and for an all-out get bin laden.... Now that were in iraq, getting saddam and his bathist party removed is good for the people of iraq,for the U.S. only time will tell.......Although I did buy thomas friedmans theory of democracy in iraq will change the mideast, and the end result will benefit the U.S.........To bad rumsfeld is still running the defence dept., he should have been kicked to the curb, after I heard how zinni questioned his decisions, its amazing he is still secretary of defence...At this point I hope for the best,and pulling out now, maybe a worse decision then going in.....
  3. Cool, caught some ratdog shows, in N.H. at club casino at the beach, this was the week after jerry died. Week before was a smoking show put on by little feat absolutely foot stomping. Also at the orpheum in boston ratdog for 2 nights....And some other states too, just can't recall-em right now......But they were all good times.....
  4. Whiskey and bad cocaine, poison, kill you, just the same
  5. Wow, goodbye car..... I have been to bbq were we blew stuff up.... Except we filled balloons with acetylene and oxygen and placed them in a garbage bag, then stuffed the bag in a 50 gallon drum....... Took off like a rocket and cleared some tall pine trees... Nervous doing it, because of static....
  6. What happened to southern hospitality.......You would hope the citizens would give up a little space in their ''gated community'' so the displaced have temporary housing........America how are ya, conceited!!! And no, I do not support nagin....
  7. Looking forward to these games...... Go red sox
  8. Haven't read it yet, I wonder how many small companies will move to N.H. because of this bill.......
  9. I go canoeing quite a bit, and usually go to small ponds that motarized boats avoid.... But them damn jet-skis can ruin a peaceful day fishing....
  10. June/6/o6, could be a bad day....
  11. Ya, When I travelled outside of newengland, people laughed at some words we pronounce, such as scollops instead of scallops, and when I said party, to them it sounded like potty, got alot of grief when I ordered pecan pie.....
  12. Flatulence in the elevator......
  13. Another bird story, this time it was a pelican, which have made a nice comeback, from their prior list on the endangered species list....Spending the weak on a boat, fishing and drinking. Spotted a huge pod of baitfish, pelicans dive bombing from the top and spanish mackeral and jacks tearing it up from below.......We set up casting jigs on a fast retrieve, slaying-em... bud of mine is gutting-em and throwing-em on ice as we land the fish... At this point a couple pelicans wandered over to the boat eating the entrails he was tossing, and trying to steal our fish were bringing up...... They became annoying, so to keep-em busy we were throwing guts and heads right into their bills, wasn't enough. Thats when we opened cans of beer and poured right down their gullet, slowed -em right up, drunk pelicans dont compete for your fish....
  14. Another time at acadia in maine, while climbing a precipice on mt. champlain I heard screeching, looked around and spotted a peregrine falcon.... The bird was close to me and flying erratic and screeching quite a bit.... I figured their was a nest close by..... Bushedwacked a bit to leave that area, didn't want to disturb the nest or get smashed by the falcon....
  15. Thats the part I heard on the book review....Thanks for bringing this topic to the board....
  16. King scarlet snake is the non-venomous mimic of the coral, ended up killing one by accident while chopping wood on a seminole indian reservation...... The snake was under the loose bark and slithered out as the ax came down......I picked it up and was told it was not a coral snake..later on, my dog started messing with a fat 5 foot rattler, friggen place was an adventure, I was just there to listen to a concert, rock and blues....Wasn't snakes on a plane, it was snakes at a concert.......The old saying is ,red and yellow kill a fellow. red and black friend of jack
  17. Ya, I thought this was going to be a good discussion, considering it was about bin laden. Maybe bernsten full of it, maybe not.......Pretty smart people here that provide interesting insight....... And then theres the shiny knome thingy to kick around or the< < < < < or the ding, hot pockets ......... Kinda funny, man, I was hoping for a little more on this topic, maybe tommorow.......
  18. No peter pan thing, or whatever the hell that other thing was... BEAUTIFUL wildlife photos, its worth the look...
  19. I listened to bernsten on c-span discussing the cia led operation in tora bora... According to him bin laden was there, and for whatever reason calls for more us troops was denied....Thats fubar........I like to read the book, mainly for the battle stories, and gleefully take joy in the demise of those rat bastards, just wish their leader would have been ripped to shreds.......
  20. , Watched one get pushed side to side forcefully enough that the contents in the tank splashed out, that chump was not happy.
  21. I work in the construction field and if you slack to much or are just being a ass. You pay in hillarious ways. Ducked taped in the portajohn, big signs taped to your tailgate stating the rediculous. Kind of immature but it works. They either tighten up or their in for a smogasboard of pranks or worse.
  22. On a fishing trip in maine near arcadia national park, glided above us at a height of 40ft....... Second time was fishing in the 10.000 islands everglades national park, that one dive bombed and snatched a 2lb. mullet...
  23. S.A.T. never, acid , ya I did it and liked it. One time camping in waterville valley n.h, surrounded by 4000 ft. mountains on a pitch black night with northern lights putting on shimmering white light show. And one person in the group thought somebody had a vehicle on top of the mountain and was flashing his headlights, messing with us
  24. Insomnia got me tonight, so im turning the dial on am radio and I hear a show called coast to coast, I actually heard it before with art bell hosting.... This was back in 04 while I was trying to find political commentary without rightwing leanings, had no success...So I listened to truckdrivers call in and talk about ufo"s and other humorous topics of discussion..... I can't sleep and now im listening to truckers on meth.....
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