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Everything posted by cromagnum

  1. You will like the loritab, you can sleep through the pain.. Also goes with beer nicely.
  2. I also work with no insurance, a few times over the years banged myself up good,recouped for two weeks and found a non-strenous job, home depot,or a construction design shop, hated it but it put food on the table......... I liked the economic times with clinton, but signing the nafta agreement, I disagreed, I didnt want part of my chevy built in mexico... And watching american manufactures move their assembly to mexico pissed me off....Wish, bush, when he is speaking spanish, would say no mas illegal immigrants , but he dont, and the dems coddle the illegals as future voters.....The only politician I liked on this issue is buchanon actualy liked him on other issues as well, but he is just a tv personality now, but I agree with him...I do not see improvements on the way, These are good times or so they say....Should have followed my dream, a tv fishing personality
  3. My job is can be a backbreaker, but I love it, I started at 12 during summers, and when reagan became pres, I was fulltime and the trade treated you well... I bought into the american pride, still do, although its getting hard to find and buy american products, and the construction trades were solid jobs for americans, that couldnt afford college educations .....Are now being undermined by the country we live in by allowing the illegals to be hired cheaply...I voted for dems, for one thing and that was their stand for the american worker....And now their stand is for poor illegal immigrants... Wheres this third party, cuz I sure is hell aint voting for the repubs...
  4. Thats how I see it, a cheap labor gift to business....Gas prices going way up, housing way up, insurance forget about it, and wages going down...What the hell is goin on.....
  5. Plenty of country and rock stars kill themselves, lots of weapons out there, mass quanities of liqour and the needle and spoon......I use to despise rap, while I was working, cuz someone would blast the volume starting at 7 am, btw I work construction.... Now its the mexican music with the accordian, sounds like your at the carnival, I have intentionally killed radios before and will do again....
  6. Ya, the mexicans at work use a lot of jalopenos, and that little bottle of cholua... I try it once in awhile its good, sometimes it hits you later on and you running to the porta- john dropping your tool belt and praying you make it, think its the habeneros....
  7. Im no fan of the genre, but since its about a rapper thats dead.... I was working in lowell ma. which is home to a large cambodian community that escaped pol pot..... Anyway 3 cambodian kids were rapping about the killing fields and the rice patties, and all the turmoil their people went through, in a rap song... I listened then I cranked up my tune box loaded with the blues......
  8. I remember the iranians rallying in support, during the hostage crisis......
  9. I was talking to a mainer, who use to be ridiculed because his brownbag lunch consisted of lobster sandwiches, his parents couldnt afford jiffy peanut butter!! That was back when lobster was so plentiful, they were used to fertilize gardens...
  10. Thats a dangerous road the world is going down, when other countries build the bomb in the name of deterrance.........I remember watching a frontline show called ''loose nukes'' in the late 90's.......And with iran building the nukes, I believe some people in their nuke industry would sell it to potential terrorist.....The future looks BRIGHT.....
  11. Todays your birthday, your gonna have a goodtime.......
  12. Do you trust the iranians with the bomb, and not selling the product to potential terrorist???
  13. I dont think the iranian president cares about diplomacy, he wants the nuclear energy, and then the bomb....If bush takes out the nuclear facilities with airstrikes or the bunker bomb, would iran retaliate against U.S. troops in iraq?....
  14. What, another liberal media thing, ok.....what about the fans....... To me it was funny.... Besides when you F-up you get grief...
  15. I was just watching hardball, and they showed cheney throwing out the first pitch to a chorous of boo's.......
  16. No, did'nt expect to have our wages undercut by insourced illegal labor.... I knew of cali, tex, arz, dealing with the issue for years.... The illegals in the last few years are now laying claim to the northeast, sure has been a major influx as of late....Wonder why, that is???
  17. The highschools in my area build a complete house and then transport it to the site.......The way I see it, first they broke the unions, then benifits like health insurance is not being offered cuz of the cost....And now they are hiring illegals to lower the wages.... I took shop classes, summers, I worked on construction sites...Alot of blood and sweat, so the politicians and business man can reap the rewards........
  18. I agree with you that, kraft is pricing out the working class.........The alternative would have been watching, another afc-east team every sunday, cuz the pats would have moved to st. louis....When NE becomes mediocre, maybe, seat prices come down for the rest of us....
  19. I-10, should be renamed the illegal immigraton highway....The mexicans I know made it to newengland via i-10, with stops in ark. tenn. fla. then north via 95....
  20. Its all a big joke, once their in they stay untill they want to leave........ Being on construction job sites, you get to know em.... I know a few that got busted by local cops for weed, or open container, enough to sit in the jail for a week... Then the judge fines them for the offence, but does not hold them for being an illegal immigrant....There was a sheriff in ipswich N.H. that arested an illegal for driving without a licsence, and then tried to deport him... Ins couldnt help or wouldnt, just a big joke....Whats the lesson for american kids in school, learn spanish and take business classes, and do what american buisness owners do, take advantage.......
  21. I was having lunch at a convience store parking lot, when a border patrol started questioning an illegal immigrant, then got in his truck and left....... I asked the mexican, what did the cop want, he asked for id, and said he didnt have it, and then asked if he was working, he said yep, then the cop left....Thats right, it was a BORDER PATROL COP.... The cop knows it doesnt matter, they will be released to the street anyway........
  22. If any of those kids are in shop class, their rallying for people that will either lower their wages or take their jobs ..... Politicians and employers must be laughing their asses off right now....
  23. Before the proposed move to hartford, he wanted to build in south boston, the residents banded together and said no....... He then toyed with providence and hartford, but remained in foxborough, with state help for infastructure....... Still better then the taxpayers paying for the stadium.... Another owner would have moved the team out of the region and been handed a stadium with tax payers money.......
  24. He kept the team in newengland, and built the stadium on his own coin, at a time when team owners were having the public taxed to finance new stadiums...
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